Brooklyn vs. New York - Baseball in 1860...
Item #222042
August 21, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 21, 1860 This issue features the reviews of two games between Brooklyn and New York (Excelsior vs. Empire, and Mutual vs. Atlantic). A box score for each event accompanies the text. Additional articles are printed on the inside and back pages as well, covering events of the time.
Complete in 8 pages, gen
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Complete in 8 pages, gen
Hunting w/ Hounds print in 1894...
Item #221253
March 01, 1894
Here a full page pictorial print from the March 1, 1894 issue of Harper's Weekly. The title of this print is: "Winter Sport In Colorado, Hunting With Hounds The Jack-Rabbit Of the Prairie". Print only !
Indian Raid...
Item #220982
April 22, 1870
Here is a complete, genuine newspaper: THE NEW YORK TIMES, dated April 22, 1870.
* Base Ball
* Base Ball
* Union vs. Atlantic
* The Indians
This issue features many one column headlines including: "More About the Indians...Lynch Law", "Base-Ball: First Match-Game of the Season", and much more. Additional text is printed on the inside and back pages as well, covering
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* The Indians
This issue features many one column headlines including: "More About the Indians...Lynch Law", "Base-Ball: First Match-Game of the Season", and much more. Additional text is printed on the inside and back pages as well, covering
The 1872 baseball championship...
Item #220211
May 09, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, May 9, 1872 Page 8 has: "The Mutuals Mashed" "Fine Game Between the Boston 'Reds' and the Mutuals--The Latter Defeated by a Score of 9 to 2." Has a detailed summary mentioning that this was the first of the teams' championship games. The game, played at the Union Grounds, drew about 6,000 spectators. Says that both teams excelled
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Meeting of "Professional Ball-Players"...
Item #220184
March 04, 1873
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, March 4, 1873 On the ftpg. under " Base-Ball" is a report from Baltimore, that begins: "The professional base-ball players held their annual convention at the St. Clair Hotel, of this city..." Lists the names of the teams that had delegates present at the meeting, the report continues, stating in part: "The Convention adopted a new consti
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Early Baseball Convention in 1866...
Item #217563
December 14, 1866
NEW-YORK TIMES, Dec. 14, 1866.
* Early baseball convention reporting - new teams
Page 2 has a report: Convention of Base Ball Players which has details about the tenth annual convention, mentioning there were delegates from as far away as Oregon, Iowa, Maryland and Virginia and that over 100 new clubs applied for admission. Notable changes in the Constitution included the admissio
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* Early baseball convention reporting - new teams
Page 2 has a report: Convention of Base Ball Players which has details about the tenth annual convention, mentioning there were delegates from as far away as Oregon, Iowa, Maryland and Virginia and that over 100 new clubs applied for admission. Notable changes in the Constitution included the admissio
National Govenrement in St. Louis, Missouri ?
Item #217448
August 16, 1869
NEW-YORK TIMES, Aug. 16, 1869.
* St. Louis, Missouri as our National Capital for convention?
Page 5 has an interesting report: The National Capital The Agitation for its Removal to St. Louis--Call For a National Convention. Other news of the day includes: "Railroad Accidents" "Gettysburg" "The Savannah Base-ball Club in Charleston S.C." and much more. 8 pages in goo
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* St. Louis, Missouri as our National Capital for convention?
*Gettysburg 1869
Page 5 has an interesting report: The National Capital The Agitation for its Removal to St. Louis--Call For a National Convention. Other news of the day includes: "Railroad Accidents" "Gettysburg" "The Savannah Base-ball Club in Charleston S.C." and much more. 8 pages in goo
Portraits of an 1865 baseball team...
Item #216466
November 25, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 25, 1865 Certainly the prime feature of this illustrated newspaper is the very nice three-quarter page print captioned: "Champion Nine of the Atlantic Base-Ball Club of Brooklyn, L.I., 1865" showing named prints of each of the baseball players. There is a brief article on them as well titled: "The Atlantic Base-Ball Club." There are... See More
Baseball in 1865...
Item #212983
October 10, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, Oct. 10, 1865 Page 5 has the summary and line score of a baseball match played on the Presidents grounds in Washington mentioning that the Excelsiors had no uniforms because the club chest failed to arrive. The back page has the summaries and box scores of three baseball matches. Lite damp staining in the upper left corner, printing crease in the first item and one in
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Great baseball advertisement....
Item #212184
September 05, 1874
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, September 5, 1874 The photos shows the back page ad for Peck & Snyder's sporting goods. Described as a Sportsmans Emporium and as ... authorized Designers, Manufacturers, and Leaders of Base-Ball Fashions..., the business was located at 126 Nassau Street in New York. Of particular interest is the main graphic for the professional
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1865 Post Civil War Firemen Baseball Game....
Item #212163
September 16, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, with baseball content from the year the Civil War ended. Sept. 16, 1865 On the back page under Base Ball is: Base Ball Among Firemen--Hose Company No. 55 Vs. Engine Company No. 34. Very brief one sentence summary says: A spirited game of base ball between the above companies at Hoboken, Friday, Sept. 15... plus the box score. Other news of the day includes: "THE FALL TRADE" "A... See More
Lajoie was drunk...debut of Roger Bresnahan...
Item #211867
October 12, 1897
PUBLIC LEDGER, Philadelphia, Aug. 28, 1897 On pg. 16 under SPORTS is a detailed summary and the box score of a game between the Phillies and Pirates. Napoleon Lajoie, a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame (the Hall of Shame on this day!), arrived at the game drunk, as revealed in the summary: First baseman Lajoie was not only late in reporting for duty yesterday afternoon, but when he did ar... See More
Baseball on ice...
Item #211859
February 05, 1861
NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, New York, February 5, 1861 Page 3 has a report: "Base Ball Match On The Fifth Avenue Skating-Pond". The report vividly describes the scene mentioning in part that: "The pond, which contains an area of several acres, lies between the Third and Fifth avenues...can be reached by either the Fulton Ferry and Greenwood or the Atlantic-street and Greenwood car... See More
1865 Baseball Game Attended By Ladies...
Item #211719
July 29, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 29, 1865 The back page has: "The Field Base Ball--Keystone of Philadelphia agt. Star of Brooklyn, with the summary mentioning: "The seats apportioned for ladies was filled with the galaxy of beauty and finery by the fair sex of Long Island..." and that many had fashionable umbrellas and parasols. Includes the box score. Also post civil war news such... See More
Early baseball...
Item #208832
September 07, 1865
THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 7, 1865 On the front page under The Field & Base Ball is a brief summary and box score of a match between the Gotham and Eckford clubs. There is also a very brief dispatch about the contest between the Maryland club of Baltimore and the National club of Washington, won by Washington. Nice to have on the front page.
Baseball in 1865...
Item #206927
August 30, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, Aug. 30, 1865 On pg. 5,"From Washington" is: "Base Ball--The Grand Matches In Washington". Has a summary of a match between the National and Atlantic teams, and a box score, with mention that the teams adjourned to the National Hotel after the game for a "sumptuous feast" and an evening of "social enjoyment". Says the Atlantics were to ... See More
The Philadelphia Collection I
Item #206228
September 01, 1866
Harper's Weekly, various dates from September 1, 1866 through November 18, 1876. This is a six issue set of Harper's Weekly containing various prints pertaining to events and/or buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually. This is a great set of issues for anyone interested in Philadelphia, PA, early U.S. ... See More
Baseball pitcher Pud Galvin fined....
Item #203755
July 19, 1880
CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, July 19, 1880 Page 3 has a small head: "A Close Rub for Providence" with the one paragraph summary of a game between Providence and Buffalo stating in part: "...The fielding of both clubs was about equal. The umpire fined Galvin ten dollars for impudence..." This was "Pud" Galvin, the famous baseball pitcher and member of the Baseball Hal... See More
Post Civil War baseball game with box scores....
Item #203605
June 16, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 16, 1865 Page 5 has: "Out-Door Sports" " Base Ball" "Philadelphia Vs. Brooklyn". The summary mentions "a bevy of the fair ones" at the match and that "...with the crowd, the field of players in uniform, and the...banners on...flag-staffs on the grounds...the scene was picturesque in the extreme." About the game it mentions:... See More
Post Civil War baseball game with box score....
Item #203603
July 15, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 15, 1865 The bkpg. has: " Out-Door Sports" " Base Ball" which includes a summary and box score of a game between the Atlantic and Gotham clubs. Mentions a crowd of " least 4000, every seat on the platforms being occupied-a large delegation of the fair sex being present..." Mentions, to the crowds disappointment, the absence of " C. S... See More
1865 Atlantics vs. Athletics Baseball Game...
Item #201429
October 31, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, Oct. 31, 1865 Pg. 5 has the summary and box score of the game featured in the above print. Mentions in part that "The Atlantics made eleven fly-catches and two home runs, and the Athletics eight fly-catches and one home run. The Atlantics were skunked once, and the Athletics four times." A great companion item to the above print! Occasional foxing, otherwise nice.
1870 Baseball Game With Tichenor Playing Violin...
Item #201227
August 16, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 16, 1870.
On the bkpg. under " Base-Ball" are the summaries and box scores of three baseball matches. One mentions that after a game between the American Bank Note Company team and Irvington an "...inviting collation was spread....there were speeches and music after the feast....Mr. Brown of the Champion Club, of Jersey City, was among the singers, and Pr... See More
1870 Brooklyn Baseball Game With Box Scores...
Item #201226
August 19, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 19, 1870 On pg. 2 under " Base- Ball" is a nice summary and box score of a match between Forest City and the Eckford clubs played at Brooklyn. Mentions the unlikelihood of another shutout "... but the introduction of non-elastic balls in first class contests has had such an effect in improving the displays in the field, that a nines retirement for blank scores in a matc... See More
1870 Brooklyn Baseball Game With Box Scores...
Item #201224
August 21, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 21, 1870.
Page 5 has: " Base-Ball" "An Exciting Contest in Brooklyn--another Victory for the Blue Stocking--Defeat of the Stars". Summary and box score, with mention of the first appearance by Hicks, the star catcher who played for the Stars. Says the winning Blue Stockings of Forest City were given numerous bouquets from their " lady admirers&q... See More
Fair weather fans in baseball season...
Item #201221
October 18, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 18, 1870 Pg. 2 has: "Base-Ball" "Athletic vs. Atlantic--A Quick in Brooklyn--The Atlantics Again Defeated". The summary mentions a drop of 75% in the attendance due to the many losses by the Atlantics, plus word that "...many of them left in disgust at the fielding of the ex-champions before the game was over..." Includes the box score a... See More
1868 Baseball Played at Central Park in NYC...
Item #153762
July 28, 1868
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 23, 1868 On pg. 3 under "Base Ball" are the two box scores of games played in Central Park, each with a very brief, one sentence summary. The first game was played between the Dexter and Henrietta clubs, and the second between the Dexter and Resolute clubs. Traces of foxing.
Work of the Salvation Army...
Item #175766
December 03, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 3, 1892 Front full pg. illus. of "The Bumboat Woman - Souvenirs for the Folks at Home." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Scenes at the Yale-Princeton Football match on Thanksgiving Day." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Colonel's Favorite." (Horse) 2/3 pg. of illus. pertaining to "Scenes at the Harvard-Yale Football Match.&q... See More
Great fire fighting scene...
Item #175732
August 06, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 6, 1892 Nice & dramatic full front page: 'A New York Water-tower in Action' showing how they fought high-rise fires, and includes a steam pumper. Half page: 'Cod-fishing on the Grand Banks'.
Full page: 'Columbian Exposition--Manufactures & Liberal Arts Building' 'Full page: 'The Capitals of the World--Athens' ... See More
Nice tennis print... Great centerfold: "From Mine To Mill"...
Item #174278
September 14, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1878 The full front page illustration is captioned: "Is Sercierty to be Reorganized? Is the Wurkin'-man to Hev His Rights? That's Wot I Wants to Know!". Inside prints include a full page: 'Picking Peaches in Delaware'. There is a very dramatic and displayable doublepage centerfold captioned: 'From Mine to Mill'. G... See More
Nice tennis print...
Item #174994
July 11, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 11, 1885 The full front page is an illustration of "Henry M. Stanley", the African explorer.
Among prints inside are a terrific fullpg: "Lawn Tennis In Prospect Park" which shows women playing & is very displayable; a full page" "Sketches on the Congo"; half page: "Sketches of Garden City"; a three-quarter ... See More
Item #175612
June 13, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 13, 1891 Full front page: 'Proposed Boulevard Tunnel, Chicago'. Double page centerfold has a very large, full-figure illus. of: 'Thomas A. Edison In His Laboratory' next to his phonograph . Half page: 'Yale's Baseball Nine' & half page: 'Princeton's Baseball Nine'
Complete in sixteen pages.
Scenes in Key West, Florida...
Item #176110
March 21, 1896
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 21, 1896 Full front page illus. of "Going to Clean Up the Earth." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Engagement Between the 'Hornet' and the 'Penguin,' on March 23, 1815." Full pg. illus. of "Troubles in Armenia - Travelers on the Frontier Passing Through A Kurdish Village in the Taya Pass."
Full pg. illus. of &q... See More
International yacht races... Rocky Mountains tornado...
Item #175014
September 19, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1885 Full ftpg: 'The International Yacht Races'. Great & displayable fullpg: 'Indian Warfare--Discovery of the Village' shows soldiers & an Indian guide spying on an Indian village. Dramatic doublepage centerfold: 'A Tornado in the Rocky Mountains'.
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in... See More
Famous Nast centerfold... Baseball in 'Blackville'...
Item #174264
July 27, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 27, 1878 The full front page is a Thomas Nast print: "It is Ever Thus with Arbitrators." Inside has a full page of: "Baseball at Blackville-The "White Stockings" Against the "Black Legs"-first Blood for the "BlackLegs." (Negros playing baseball).
The doublepage centerfold by Nast is captioned: "Hail, C-O-L... See More
Horseless carriages...
Item #176038
July 13, 1895
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 13, 1895 Full front page illus. of "They Sped Along, Side by Side." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Scenes at the International 'Schuetzenfest' at Glendale Park, Long Island." 1/2 pg. illus. of "An Afternoon Cup of Tea with Mayor Strong of New York." 1/2 pg. with four illus. of "Launching the 'Defender' - ... See More
The Sioux Reservation... Baseball in the Brooklyn Armory...
Item #175480
March 08, 1890
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 8, 1890 Nice full ftpg 'The Opening of the Sioux Reservation--Newly Arrived Settlers in the Territory'. F. Remington illus. for a story: 'The Aztec Treasure House'. Halfpg: 'A Match Game in the Court of the N.Y. Racket Club' shows racketball. Halfpg: 'A Game of Baseball in the 13th Reg. Armory, Brooklyn' is a very nice indoor bas... See More
New types of automobiles...
Item #176466
August 19, 1899
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 19, 1899 Full front page illus. of "The Cruise of the New York Yacht Club - A Pleasant Evening in Harbor." Inside is a 1/2 pg. of illus. of "Home, Sweet Home! - The Return of the U.S. Hospital Ship 'Relief' from Manila." Full pg. of illus. of "The Evangelistic Work Under the Direction of Dwight L. Moody at Northfield, Mas... See More
Lava flow from Mauna Loa, Hawaii...
Item #174592
September 03, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 3, 1881 Full ftpg. political cartoon by W. A. Rogers: 'Can Not New York Protect Her Little Ones?'. Fullpg: 'Excursion of Newsboys & Book-Blacks'. Nice fullpg. with 4 scenes: 'The Lava Flow From Mauna Loa, Sandwich Islands'. Nearly fullpg: 'Hardships of Travel in Colorado'. Quarter-pg shows: 'The Oelrichs Lacross... See More
Daniel Boone...
Item #175714
June 04, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1892 Full page: 'The Kentucky Centennial' includes an illustration of Daniel Boone. 'Rome' has several scenes. 'The American Cavalry School' includes 10 illustration by Remington. Nice full page: 'Indian Encampment on Ballast Is., Seattle'. Photos of 2 baseball players.
Remington prints...
Item #175694
March 26, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 26, 1892 Full front page shows construction of 'The Great Derrick' at the Columbian Exposition. Full page of nice architecture on Chestnut St., Phila.
Lengthy article regarding a western train excursion includes 5 illustrations by F. Remington, all showing soldiers. Full page: 'The College Athlete Indoors' has 3 scenes, one showing baseba... See More
Golf print by A.B. Frost...
Item #176148
August 01, 1896
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 1, 1896 Full ftpg: 'Evening Concert on a Hotel Piazza, Saratoga, N.Y.' Fullpg. photo: 'The Cuban Insurrection--Transporting Supplies Across the River Pluma'. Nice & displayable fullpg: 'U.S. Army Uniforms & Equipment'. Fullpg. with 5 photos of 'Country Club Life in Chicago'. Bkpg. has a nice, nearly quarter page A.B. Frost... See More
Great view of Chicago before the fire... Thomas Nast... Political cartoon...
Item #173558
October 21, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 21, 1871 The full fron tpage is a Thomas Nast political cartoon entitled "The Only Thing They Respect or Fear". An article "The New York Seamen's Exchange" features a 1/4 page illustration. "The Smithfield Martyrs' Memorial Church" features a 1/3 page illustration. A half-page illustration "Shanghaiing Sailo... See More
Nice A. B. Frost hunting print... Icebergs off Newfoundland...
Item #174914
October 04, 1884
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 4, 1884 Front page print: "A Political Poser". Halfpg; 'Icebergs off the Harbor of St. John's, Newfoundland'. Displayable fullpg; 'Cruising Canoes--the Last Match'. Fullpg. Thomas Nast political cartoon shows James Blaine.
Nice A.B. Frost hunting illus: 'Unsportsmanlike Slaughter--No chance for Life' shows men in a... See More
Grover Cleveland nominated at the convention in Chicago...
Item #174892
July 19, 1884
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 19, 1884 Full ftpg. shows: 'Grover Cleveland'. Nice fullpg: 'Democratic Convention at Chicago--Cheering the Nomination of Cleveland'. Halfpg illus. of: 'Thomas Hendricks, Democratic Candidate for Vice Pres.' Fullpg. exterior scene: 'The Democratic Convention at Chicago--Torch-Light Procession in Honor of Cleveland's Nominati... See More
"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens...
Harper's Ferry... Elizabeth Blackwell, 1st American female physician...
Item #172308
November 05, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 5, 1859 The front page features a half page illustration of a "General View Of Harper's Ferry, Showing the Bridge, Armory, Adjacent Hills, Etc." An article "The Late Invasion at Harper's Ferry" also features two 1/4 page prints: "Portrait Of Ossawattomie Brown" and "Brown, His Son, and Another Of The Outlaws... See More
The U.S.Ss. Maine disaster in Havana harbor...
Item #176320
March 26, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 26, 1898 A full front page illustration of "A First Lesson in the Art of War". Fullpg. with 5 photos on: "The Maine Disaster--Scenes in Havana Harbor". There is another fullpg. with 6 photos on: "Landing a Filibustering Expedition on the Cuban Coast" plus a few other war-themed prints.
Other news and advertisements of the da... See More
Item #151685
April 05, 1876
THE CINCINNATI DAILY GAZETTE, April 5, 1876 The ftpg. has: BASE BALL" "Leading Clubs of the United States" "Athletic, Of Philadelphia". Gives profiles of the key position players, including Al Reach and Ned Cuthbert. A bit of foxing in the last column, not affecting this report.
Item #151853
January 07, 1882
CALIFORNIA SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, San Francisco, Jan. 7, 1882 The ftpg. has: "Base-Ball" "Renos vs. Californias". In the summary it mentions that Johnny Ward, "famous pitcher of the Providence Club", umpired the game and that he would pitch for the Californias the next day. Includes the box score. A few tears at the spine, minor margin tears, traces of foxing.
Scenes of Hawaii and Rio De Janeiro... Easter Sunday...
Item #175800
April 01, 1893
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 1, 1893 The full front page is a print captioned: "Easter Sunday On Fifth Avenue, New York". Other prints within include a full page of 10 photos of: "The Proposed Site for the Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York"; a full pg. with 6 photos captioned: "The Annexation Question--Views In Honolulu"; small prints of "Prin... See More
Two full page Thanksgiving prints... Nice portrait of Charles Dickens...
Item #173150
November 30, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 30, 1867 This issue has several desirable prints: The front page has:" 'The Soldier's Friend' - An Incident in General Grant's Life", with a related article. The inside contains: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among the Puritans" along with: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among Their Descendants", a... See More
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