Newsies... a hard life...
Robert Bowling... Lee Family relation... supports Grant...
Item #590828
September 01, 1868
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 1, 1868
Page one has a letter from Robert Bolling (Lee family relative) in support of Grant, and which is worthy of reading. Page 2 has an interesting set of articles regarding newsboys. Also includes an early ad for the original New York R.H. Macy store.
Other news and advertisements of the day.
This is complete in 8 pages and in v
... See More
Page one has a letter from Robert Bolling (Lee family relative) in support of Grant, and which is worthy of reading. Page 2 has an interesting set of articles regarding newsboys. Also includes an early ad for the original New York R.H. Macy store.
Other news and advertisements of the day.
This is complete in 8 pages and in v
Primarily a horse racing newspaper...
Item #587238
December 15, 1860
SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Sept. 15, 1860 This was a sporting-themed newspaper, however at this point in its career this newspaper was primarily about horse racing to the exclusion of most other sports. One article is headed: "Lexington Races & Fair".
Twelve pages, nice condition.
Three 1890 color political prints...
Item #586391
August 16, 1890
JUDGE magazine, New York, Aug. 16, 1890
* Color political prints
Judge magazine was founded in 1881 by a group of artists, headed by James Albert Wales, who left the staff of the popular comic weekly Puck. The magazine featured bold satire and good political drawing with chromolithographic front and back covers and center spread.
After a strong start, the magazine found itself struggl... See More
John L. Sullivan visits White House...
Item #585489
April 05, 1887
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, April 5, 1887
* John L. Sullivan
* Heavyweight boxing
Column three of the front page has headlines that include: "GROVER AND JOHN L." and "The Champion Prize Fighter Pays His Respects to President Cleveland".
Coverage on heavyweight boxer John L. Sullivan's visit to the White House to meet President Grover Cleveland.
Other news and a... See More
Bowling Green, OH gas boom....
Item #585233
April 16, 1887
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, April 16, 1887
* Bowling Green OH Ohio
* Oil and gas boom
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "GAS AT BOWLING GREEN", "The Wonderful Resources of the Chief Town of Wood County" and more. The text takes up over two full columns.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Minor margin wear,... See More
Three color political prints...
Item #584502
May 10, 1890
JUDGE magazine, New York, May 10, 1890 Judge magazine was founded in 1881 by a group of artists, headed by James Albert Wales, who left the staff of the popular comic weekly Puck. The magazine featured bold satire and good political drawing with chromolithographic front and back covers and center spread.
After a strong start, the magazine found itself struggling to compete with its very sim... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1834...
Item #583773
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated 1834. Included is the amount in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak (see images).An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Measures 2 3... See More
Concerning baseball implements...
Item #581530
April 30, 1871
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, April 30, 1871 Page 3 has an interesting report headed:
* Bats, Balls and Mallets
* Concerning the Implements of Baseball--Facts, Figures and Fancies About the Trade--Neglected Cricket and Fascinating Croquet--Games that Have Gone Out, and Games that Ought to Come In--A Plea for Ladies' Archery Meetings
Other news of the day includes: "Coal Matte... See More
A pre-Civil War sport's periodical...
Item #577940
February 13, 1858
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Feb. 13, 1858
* Pre Civil War sport's periodical
Subtitled: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage." with the masthead featuring a decorative sporting theme (see). Among the articles included are; "A Winter In southern Florida" "Wild Sports In India" "Hunters and Game in South-W... See More
Heavyweight Boxing Championship...
Item #576463
September 08, 1876
THE NEW YORK HERALD, September 8, 1876
* Early heavyweight boxing title fight
* Joe Goss vs. Tom Allen
* Great Sioux War of 1876-77 - Indians
Page 3 has: "P. R.", "Fight for the Championship of the World", "Goss Beats Allen on a Foul", "Twenty-One Rounds Fought in 1h. 52m.", "Pistol Firing and Stabbing During the Fight--Roughs Repor... See More
Item #574795
April 04, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 4, 1857.
* Chess
As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume II issue of a very early sporting publication. Near the back of the issue is a column entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a chess "problem of the week" in addition to the s... See More
Baseball... Horseracing... Pirates...
Item #571441
August 12, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 12, 1865 The front page of this issue features an article concerning horse racing under the heading "Sports of the Turf". Additional headlines include: "The Grand Two-Mile Race for Three-Year Olds", "Revenue Colt of Baltimore and Winner of the Purse", "The Second Race of Mile Heats", "The Lexingto... See More
Manhattan Beach Fireworks...
Item #571392
August 22, 1897
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, "Illustrated Supplement", August 22, 1897 The entire front page is taken up with a color print captioned: "Behind the Scenes at the Manhattan Beach Fireworks Spectacle."
The back page is also fully taken up with a print, captioned: "On the Archery Grounds at Fanwood, N. J." which is showing lady archers.
The complete 20 page issue, never... See More
Baseball... Elephant hunting... Cockfighting...
Item #571043
April 11, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 11, 1857 As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume II issue of a very early sporting publication. An article "Base Ball" has the announcement of the elected officers for the Excelsior Base Ball Club of Brooklyn. Another page features an article on "Elepha... See More
McCoole vs. Jones boxing fight announced... Baseball...
Item #570683
August 31, 1867
NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 31, 1867 The frontpage of this issue contains a small article announcing "The McCool and Jones Prize Fight". "It is understood that the fight between Mike McCool and Aaron Jones for the championship of the United States will take place somewhere in Butler county, Ohio... The fight will commence between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning." ... See More
Much on Thomas Edison... Early bowling...
Item #569781
May 09, 1891
* Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
* Early bowling
A full page has two prints of: "The Troubles in the Pennsylvania Coke Region" & another fullpg. has 5 prints relating to: "Breaking Ground for the Grant Monument in Riverside Park, New York".
Most of a page of text is taken up with: "A Visit To The Ediso... See More
General William Walker...
Item #569437
September 24, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, September 24, 1860 Page one has an interesting article dated August 29, 1860, "Nicaragua-The American Minister-An Ultimatum-Walker And His Chances", which has about 10 linera inches of text regarding Walker, his arrival at Truxillo, and an encouragement to resist him. Two additional articles within the issue also provide comments on the last days... See More
Color cover... The New York horse show...
Item #566162
November 21, 1891
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, November 21, 1891
* Color cover... The New York horse show...
This is one of the very few front page color prints, titled: "A Box Party at the Horse Show" (see photos). The double page centerfold shows: "Sketches at the Seventh Annual Horse Madison Square Garden, New York City" (see photos). There... See More
Lengthy report of a baseball game...
Item #564914
August 28, 1867
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 28, 1867
* Post Civil War baseball
The back page has an uncommonly lengthy article headed: "Out Door Sports" "Base Ball--Union of Morrisania vs. Eckfords, of Williamsburgh" followed by a smaller report of another game (see). Eight pages, very nice, clean condition.
Putting a bell in a baseball...
Item #564210
March 18, 1876
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, March 18, 1876 This is a separate, stand-alone publication begun to report on the Centennial Exhibition but whose success kept it in print into the 20th century.
Near the back is an article, with two illustrations, headed: "Improvements In Base-Balls" which shows a bell being placed inside (see).
Complete in 16 pages and rare in tha... See More
Atlantics chicagoed... stars of the day...
Item #563798
May 09, 1871
NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, May 9, 1871
On pg. 2 under Base-Ball is a report: The Boston Club Chicagoing the Atlantics. Includes a summary about a match played at the Capitoline Grounds, in Brooklyn, before a crowd of 1,000, with mention that a chilly, blustering north-west wind prevailed. The Boston club chicagoed (term for a shut-out) the Atlantics, 25-0. Says that "...the Atlantics we... See More
Capture of Fort Donelson, with a front page diagram...
Item #563510
February 18, 1862
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, February 18, 1862
* Fort Donelson, Tennessee
* Civil War original w/ map
The front page has a small one column map headed: "Plan Of Fort Donelson" and first column heads which include: "GLORIOUS VICTORY" "The Fall of Fort Donelson" "Johnston and Buckner, the Rebel Generals, Captured" "15,000 Othe... See More
The Orleans Drinking Club...
Item #562111
September 25, 1847
SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, N.Y., September 25, 1847
* Uncommon sport's related periodical
Described in the masthead as: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Agriculture, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage." Inside has the summaries and scores of two cricket matches, plus the lyrics of the "Song Of The "Orleans Drinking Club".
Other topics throughout. Some foxing ... See More
Early post Civil War baseball... Philadelphia Athletics...
Item #561999
September 17, 1867
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, September 17, 1867
* Early post Civil war baseball
* Philadelphia Athletics
Page 2 has a report headed: "Out-Doors Sports" "Base Ball--Athletic of Philadelphia, vs. Atlantic, of Brooklyn" with reports on 2 games (see). The first notes:
* It is not an over-estimate in placing the assemblage at 20,000 gathered at the Union Ball Grounds yes... See More
Post Civil War baseball...
Item #561997
July 07, 1866
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 7, 1866
* Early baseball
* Post Civil War
The back page has over half a column of baseball reports under the heading: "Out-Doors Sports" "Base Ball" with reports on 3 games (see).
Other news of the day, complete in 8 pages, great condition.
Early baseball from just after the Civil War...
Item #559613
NEW YORK TIMES, 1865-1866 A lot of five issues of the New York Times from just after the Civil War, each with a report of a baseball game. These issues provide a mid-19th century perspective of America’s favorite pastime. Some browning, generally nice condition. The images shown are representative of the "look" of what you will receive. Actual issues/dates will vary.... See More
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19th Century Baseball... Convention in Connecticut...
Item #559108
March 14, 1867
NEW-YORK TIMES, March 14, 1867
On pg. 5 under "Base Ball Convention at Hartford" is a report from Hartford about a Convention of baseball clubs in the Connecticut. Says that 30 clubs were represented and that a vote was passed "...forming a State Association, and rules and regulations concerning State championships were adopted." Mentions that the Charter Oak club of Hartfor... See More
Gatling Gun...
Item #557000
August 24, 1872
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, London, August 24, 1872
* Gatling gun
* Woman's archery
* Prints
Inside has a half page illustration of: "The Gatling Gun".
Nice tipped-in double page centerfold shows well-dressed women shooting bows and arrows at an archery meet.
Other topics with prints throughout this 26 page issue including a nice co... See More
Item #554611
October 13, 1874
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, October 13, 1874. The famous folio-size newspaper with the large graphics. The frontpage features an illustration by A.B. Frost entitled "Charles O'Connor and Reverdy Johnson on the Louisiana Imbroglio." Other illustrations within the issue include "Horse Racing - The Finish"; "The Review of the Schuylkill Navy at Philadelphia on Satu... See More
Early baseball...
Item #549989
October 02, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, October 2, 1865
* Early baseball
* Post civil war reporting
On the front page under "Connecticut" is a report: "Yale versus Wesleyan--Base Ball Match between the Two Colleges--Fine Game--Success of Yale--Remarks & Observations"
Includes a summary and the box score. Summary also talks about the success of Yale, exclusive of spor... See More
Baseball in the West...
Item #547698
August 22, 1867
NEW-YORK TIMES, Aug. 22, 1867.
* Baseball
Page 5 has: "The West Terrible Heat", "Grain Gamblers", "The Late Postmaster", "Senator Yates", "Blessing Status", "An Intemperance Meeting" and much more. Among the topics discussed is paragraph about Base Ball stating: "Our great national game is pretty successfully burlesqued here. A... See More
Early baseball...
Item #547563
June 10, 1869
NEW YORK HERALD, June 10, 1869 Page 10 has: "The National Game Mutual vs. Yale--The Champions in the Elm City". Summary describes the arrival and greeting of the Mutual club at the train station, and the excursion to the field. Says that the game was played at Hamilton Park in New Haven with about 3000 in attendance. Nice details about the game and several specific plays, the Mutua... See More
Item #547562
May 28, 1869
NEW YORK HERALD, May 28, 1869 On page 7 under Base Ball Notes is word that: "The Unions of Lansingburg will open their new grounds on Monday next in their new uniforms, with a new regulation ball and new bats, and commence then a new series of games with the Atlantics". This news will have the effect..."of sending a large crowd to the mowing field, where the Haymakers intend t... See More
Item #547561
August 28, 1867
NEW-YORK TIMES, Aug. 28, 1867 The back page of this issue has: "Out-Door Sports", "Base Ball--Unions, of Morrisania vs. Eckfords, of Williamsburgh". Has a summary of the game, mentioning in part: "The batting of Aiken, Austin and Birdsall, was the tallest kind, while Goldie and Martin made a home run each by long hits to the centre field, the formers strike being a t... See More
Item #547457
August 12, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, August 12, 1865 The front page of this issue features an article concerning horse racing under the heading "Sports of the Turf". Additional headlines include: "The Grand Two-Mile Race for Three-Year Olds", "Revenue Colt of Baltimore and Winner of the Purse", "The Second Race of Mile Heats", "The Lexington Horse Lexicon ... See More
Item #546330
February 08, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 8, 1862.
* Salt
* Boxing
This issue contains a rather lengthy article concerning "the Salting of the Streets of Philadelphia", which goes into some detail about the benefits of salt.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "Our Chess Department" includes a "problem of the week" and the an... See More
Item #545067
January 04, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, January 4, 1862.
* Billiards
Page five of this issue includes a rather lengthy article concerning boxing entitled: "Billiards - Kavanagh and Foley, Proposed Match".
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "Our Chess Department" includes a "problem of the week" and the answer to the previous w... See More
Baseball... The recent London dog show...
Item #544982
July 12, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, July 12, 1862 The front page of this issue features an illustration captioned: "The Two First Premiums", which accompanying subheads: "Bloodhound and Black and Tan Terrier" and "The Recent London Dog Show".
Page three of this issue includes a rather lengthy article concerning baseball entitled: "Ph... See More
Item #544706
February 22, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 22, 1862.
* Billiards
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Billiards". Accompanying subheads include: "Kavanagh and Deery", "Billiard Entertainment", and much more.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "O... See More
Item #544663
February 15, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 15, 1862.
* Billiards
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Billiards" includes accompanying subheads entitled: "The Foley and Kavanagh Match", "The Match of 1859", and much more.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "... See More
Civil War era boxing and chess...
Item #544660
May 24, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, May 24, 1862.
* Boxing
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "The Ring in England" features the "Conclusion of a Fight Between Gannon and Hatton". An additional subhead discusses a fight between Cook and Kenny.
Another article found within this issue and en... See More
Horse racing...
Item #544658
June 21, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, June 21, 1862 This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Lexington, Kentucky, Races" with accompanying subtitles reading: "Splendid Fields, and Fine Sport", "Very Exciting Vicissitudes", "Idlewild and Millington Both Beaten", "Victory of the Yorksh... See More
Item #544497
March 28, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, March 28, 1857.
* Chess
As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume 1 issue of a very early sporting publication. Near the back of the issue is a column entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a chess "problem of the week" in addition to the s... See More
Johnson vetoes Omnibus Act...
Item #541205
June 26, 1868
NEW-YORK TIMES, June 26, 1868 Front page has: "Washington" "The President's Message Vetoing the Southern States Bill" "The Bill Passed Over the Veto by Both Houses" "Continuation of the Debate on the Tax Bill"
Has details about the override of the veto by Congress, plus the text of President Johnson's veto of the Omnibus Reconstruction bill hi... See More
P. T. Barnum letter... Baseball in 1865...
Item #538978
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 1, 1865 Inside has a letter about the re-opening of Barnum's American Museum, signed in type: P. T. Barnum.Page 7 has a very brief summary and box score of a baseball match played between two fire companies. The back page has a summary and box score of a baseball match played between the Atlantic and Eureka clubs.
Other news of the day throughou... See More
First baseball game on ice...
Item #538726
February 05, 1861
NEW-YORK TIMES, February 5, 1861 On the back page under Brooklyn News is a report: "A Game of Base Ball Played on Skates Great Crowd Of People--Exciting Scenes." The summary begins: "The long-talked contest for a silver ball, between the Charter Oak and Atlantic Base Ball Clubs, on skates...came off yesterday, on the skating pond in the Eighth Ward, between the Third and ... See More
Gardiner Maine in 1891...
Item #538484
February 25, 1891
THE GARDINER HOME JOURNAL, Maine, February 25, 1891.
* Baseball chewing tobaaco ad
* 19th century Gardiner Maine
This 4 page newspaper has mostly literary content with some news of the day and several interesting advertisements including one for chewing tobacco which has a baseball theme to it. (see photo)
Slightly browned, otherwise in good condition.... See More
P.T. Barnum's Baby Show in 1855....
Item #222413
June 08, 1855
NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1855
* P. T. Barnum baby show
* Pre civil war era
Front page has: Barnum's Baby Show Third Day--Another Day--Statistics of the Show--Barnum Excited--A Full House Again--Who Pinches the Babies?--The Prize Children Shown Up & more. Other news of the day includes: "Marine Affairs" "Cricket" "Police Intelligence"
... See More
* P. T. Barnum baby show
* Pre civil war era
Front page has: Barnum's Baby Show Third Day--Another Day--Statistics of the Show--Barnum Excited--A Full House Again--Who Pinches the Babies?--The Prize Children Shown Up & more. Other news of the day includes: "Marine Affairs" "Cricket" "Police Intelligence"
Sport in North Devon...
Item #222401
September 08, 1883
This double page centerfold, which consists of several individual illustrations joined together, is drawn by S. Berkley, and titled: "Sport in North Devon: Trout-Fishing and Otter-Hunting." Although from the September 8, 1883 issue of the Illustrated London News only this illustration is present.
Manhattan vs. Harlem - Baseball in 1860...
Item #222045
August 31, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 31, 1860 This issue features the reviews of three Baseball games: Manhattan vs. Harlem, Eckford vs. Newburgh, and Brooklyn vs. New York. A box score for each event accompanies the text. Additional articles are printed on the inside and back pages as well, covering events of the time.
Complete in 8 pages, gene
... See More
Complete in 8 pages, gene
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