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From the Pike's Peak Gold Rush...

Item #683856

October 09, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 9, 1858 

* Pike's Peak gold rush

* Kansas Territory boom

Page 3 has an article headed: "From The Kansas Gold Region" which takes over half a column. We now call this the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. At the time Pike's Peak was in the Western Kansas Territory, the Colorado Territory not being formed until 1861.&nb... See More  

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Details on the slave ship Haidee...

Item #683855

October 08, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 8, 1858  Page 3 has an article: "The Slaver Haidee" which was scuttled off the coast of Montauk Point. Included is a detailed letter mentioning in part: "...The next morning took on board a cargo of 1,133 negroes and sailed in the afternoon of the same day for Cuba...arrived & anchored off Cardenas...having lost some 200 ... See More  

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Details on the slave ship Haidee...

Item #683854

October 06, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 1858  The top of page 3 has an article: "Arrest Of The Montauk Point Slavers" which reports on a slave ship, mentioning in part: "...a vessel had been sunk off Montauk Point...had been scuttled...name of the scuttled vessel is Haidee...sailed from New York...to the coast of Africa, where she took in a cargo of 900 slaves. ... See More  

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The Echo slave ship...

Item #683853

September 29, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 29, 1858  Page 3 has a report headed: "Examination In The Slaver Case" which reports on the infamous Echo slave ship.

Four pages, piece missing from the top of the front leaf causes loss only to ads on page 2, otherwise nice condition. The folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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The Echo slave ship... The Comet... Fraser River gold mines...

Item #683852

October 01, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1, 1858  Page 3 has a report headed: "The Echo Slave Case" followed by a report on: "The Fraser River Mines" being the gold rush in British Columbia. Another article has much detail on: "The Comet".

Four pages, small hole in the front leaf does not affect mentioned articles, otherwise nice condition. The folde... See More  

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From the Pike's Peak Gold Rush... Burning of the Crystal Palace...

Item #683851

October 07, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 7, 1858  Page 3 has an article headed: "From The Kansas Gold Region", which we now call the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. At the time Pike's Peak was in the Western Kansas Territory, the Colorado Territory not being formed until 1861. 

The report includes two reports, the first noting in part: "...direct from the gold ... See More  

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Much reporting from the Pike's Peak Gold Rush...

Item #683850

September 28, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 28, 1858  

* Pike's Peak gold rush

* Kansas Territory boom

Page 3 has a detailed article headed: "The Kansas Gold Region", which we now call the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. At the time Pike's Peak was in the Western Kansas Territory, the Colorado Territory not being formed until 1861. 

The report notes near th... See More  

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Nice letter from the Pike's Peak Gold Rush...

Item #683849

September 25, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, 1858  

* Pike's Peak gold rush

* Kansas Territory boom

Page 3 has a detailed article headed: "The Kansas Gold Region", which we now call the Pike's Peak Gold Rush. At the time Pike's Peak was in the Western Kansas Territory, the Colorado Territory not being formed until 1861. 

The report includes a le... See More  

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Much on the slave trade with Liberia...

Item #683834

September 18, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 18, 1858  Page 3 has three-quarters of a column taken up with: "Liberia And The Slave Trade". Included is a lengthy letter regarding how slaves are procured. Keep in mind that the importation of slaves had been outlawed in the U.S. since 1808.

Four pages, small archival mend at the top margin, nice condition. Folder size no... See More  

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The Fraser River gold rush...

Item #683833

September 17, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 17, 1858  

* Fraser Canyon Gold Rush

* British Columbia River

Page 3 has over half a column taken up with: "The Fraser River Gold Regions", the latest gold rush, this one in British Columbia. Considerable detail.

Four pages, nice condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.... See More  

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The "so called" captain of the slave ship Echo...

Item #683832

September 16, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 1858  Page 3 has an article: "Capt. Townsend of the Slaver" which begins: "Capt. Townsend, so called, of the slaver Echo, was brought before the U.S. Commissioner...It was distinctly proved that the Echo attempted to escape before her character was suspected...There were found on board 318 African negroes..." w... See More  

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Captured slave ship... Installation of a Jewish rabbi...

Item #683828

September 01, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 1, 1858  Page 3 has: "The Slaver At Charleston" which begins: "A slave brig, called the Echo, arrived at this port yesterday..." and also notes: "...Lieut. Maffitt very kindly writes us that the Dolphin captured this vessel, which he terms an American slaver, after a long chase...off the north coast of Cu... See More  

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Slave advertisement from the nation's capital...

Item #683741

April 23, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 23, 1816  This issue has a runaway slave advertisement on the back page.

News of the day and other ads. Four pages, foxing, good condition.

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Slave advertisements from the nation's capital...

Item #683740

September 26, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., Sept. 26, 1816  This issue has not one but three runaway slave advertisements with two on page 3 and the other on the back page.

News of the day and other ads. Four pages, foxing, good condition.

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Slave advertisements from the nation's capital...

Item #683738

April 24, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 24, 1817  This issue has not one but three runaway slave advertisements, all on the back page.

News of the day and other ads. Four pages, good condition.

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Slave advertisements from the nation's capital...

Item #683736

May 01, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 1, 1817  This issue has not one but two runaway slave advertisements with one on page 3 and the other on the back page.

News of the day and other ads. Four pages, some foxing, good condition.

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Capture of a slave ship...

Item #683707

October 02, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1839 Page 3 has: "Late From Africa" which includes: "The Euphrates is sent here...having been captured on the coast of Africa...as a slaver, and surrendered to Gov. Buchanan..." with further particulars.

Keep in mind that although slavery continued to exist into the Civil War, the importing of slaves was outlawed in 1808.

Four... See More  

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W. H. Harrison nominated for the Presidency...

Item #683706

December 10, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 1839

* William Henry Harrison nomination

Page 3 has a column headed: "Nominations By the Whig National Convention" which reports: "The Convention of delegates...of the Whig party...for the purpose of recommending candidates for the Presidency & Vice Presidency...with a unanimous voice, resolutions nominating For President ... See More  

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Very early review of Dickens' 'Oliver Twist'...

Item #683705

November 20, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 20, 1839

* Early Charles Dickens

* "Oliver Twist" review

 Of special interest is a page 3 article: "Review of Dickens' "Oliver Twist" which is quite early, as this famous novel by 27 year-old Charles Dickens was just his second. It printed in book form in 1838, and was serialized from 1837 to 1839.

Four pag
... See More  

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Mormon election results...

Item #683650

September 10, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 10, 1858  Page 3 has: "Utah" which reports on the territorial elections and other news items from Utah.

Four pages, small piece from the top margin of the back leaf, nice condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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Problem with Mormon currency... Capture of a slave ship...

Item #683649

August 31, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 31, 1858  Page 3 has: "From Utah" which reports on the elections there. Also: "...Repudiation of the Mormon currency--the notes of the 'Deseret Currency Association--was the last movement of the Mormon leaders...the Gentile storekeepers refusing to receive the notes..." and more.

Also on page 3: "Capture Of A S... See More  

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Baron Rothschild: the first Jew to become a member of Parliament...

Item #683642

August 11, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 11, 1858 

* Baron Rothschild of Tring

* 1st Jewish member of House of Lords

Page 2 has a column headed: "Baron Rothschild in Parliament". This is a very notable report, as it gives the account of the formal seating in Parliament of Rothschild as its first Jewish member.

Baron Lionel Rothschild was a British Jewish banker,... See More  

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Much on the Fraser River gold rush...

Item #683640

July 30, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 30, 1858  Page 3 has three articles concerning the Fraser River gold rush, headed: "The Fraser River Gold Region" taking over half a column; "The Rush From California For the New Eldorado" which is two-thirds of a column; and an editorial: "Colonial Government of New Caledonia" taking half a column.

Four pages... See More  

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Capture of the slave ship Lyra...

Item #683638

July 28, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 28, 1858 

* HMS Lyra slave ship

* Slaver sloop captured

The top of page 3 has an article: "A Slaver Seized at Key West" which mentions: "...Collector Baldwin has issued orders for the seizure of the barque Lyra for being fitted out as a slaver...that the barque was bound for the coast of Africa for any other than a la... See More  

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The Fraser River gold rush...

Item #683637

July 26, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 26, 1858 

* Fraser Canyon Gold Rush

* British Columbia River

Page 3 has half a column headed: "The Frazer River Gold Region" which notes near the beginning: "...British House of Commons...a bill for the government of New Caledonia, the object of which is to establish a settled form of government in that part of British... See More  

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The Fraser River gold fields...

Item #683634

July 22, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 22, 1858 

* Fraser Canyon Gold Rush

* British Columbia River

Page 3 has close to half a column taken up with: "Probable Effect of the Frazer River Discoveries" which begins: "The gold discoveries in the Northwest have presented to the vision of enterprising men many new projects..." with much more on the gold disc... See More  

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Battle of Pine Creek in the Washington Territory...

Item #683633

July 17, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 17, 1858 

* Battle of Pine Creek - Tohotonimme

* Rosalia, Washington, Steptoe Butte

* Native American - Indians victory

Page 3 has: "The Late Battle in Washington Territory" which has a detailed letter from Fort Walla Walla, with much on the Battle of Pine Creek. It was also known as the Battle of Tohotonimme and the Step... See More  

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Seminole Indian War at an end... Latest on the Mormons...

Item #683621

June 01, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 1, 1839  The front page has half a column headed: "Interesting From Florida - The Florida War Ended" which includes the official "General Orders" of Major General Alexander Macomb on the end of the war with the Seminole Indians. Prefacing remarks note in part: "...to relieve Florida of the remnant of her savage inhabitant... See More  

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Acts of Congress organizing the Iowa Territory...

Item #683619

March 16, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 16, 1839  

* Early Iowa Territory

* Act of U.S. Congress

Over half of the front page is taken up with a lengthy: "List Of Acts Passed at the Third Session of the 25th Congress" including several relating to organizing the Iowa Territory.

Four pages, good condition.

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Huge list of Acts of Congress recently passed...

Item #683618

March 05, 1839

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1839  Half of the back page is taken up with a very lengthy: "List Of Acts Passed at the Third Session of the 25th Congress" including several "Acts Relating To the Territories" relating to organizing the Iowa Territory.

Four pages, good condition.

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The famous "irrepressible conflict" speech...

Item #683605

November 13, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1858 

* William H. Seward on slavery

* Irrepressible Conflict speech

Nearly three columns on page 2 are taken up with the: "Speech Of Mr. Seward, of New York, delivered at a political meeting held in Rochester on the 25th of October, 1858".

This speech, although harmful to his political career, put the slavery issue on... See More  

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With Lincoln's election, the South takes action...

Item #683573

November 13, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1860 

* The South reacts to Abraham Lincoln's election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Now that the election of Lincoln is assured, this issue has much on the plans of Southern states in secession discussions--particularly in South Carolina--and p... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln... The definitive report...

Item #683571

November 10, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 10, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* From the Nation's capital (best)

* The definitive report

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "Result of the Presidential Election" which gives the definitive report t... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683570

November 08, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln elected

* Presidential election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which notes: "From the telegraphic reports of the Presidential election received since our ... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683569

November 09, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln is elected President

* From our nation's capital

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 2 has a report headed: "The Presidential Contest" which begins: "Abraham Lincoln is the next President of the United Stat... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683568

November 07, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* Best publication to be had ?

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which begins: "As it has been currently supposed within the last few weeks... See More  

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Debating the Compromise of 1850... Heading for the gold fields...

Item #682930

June 06, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1850  The entire front page & some of page 2 are taken up with the: "Debate In The Senate" on what would be called the Compromise of 1850, championed by Henry Clay. This work would determine whether new territories won in the Mexican War would be free or slave.

Page 2 has reports from the Senate including the: "Fugitive Sla... See More  

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California admission talks... Morse's remarkable telegraph...

Item #682927

September 28, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 28, 1850  Page 3 has a letter from the governor of California to the delegate in Congress from the Oregon Territory concerning a charge of undue interference by California and certain opposition to the admission of California into the Union. It is sgned in type: Peter H. Burnett.
Also on page 3: "The Most Wonderful Feat of the Morse
... See More  

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Taylor is 'decidedly better' on the day he died... Treaty with England...

Item #682926

July 09, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 9, 1850  Keeping in mind that this was the day President Zachary Taylor died, the top of page 3 has a notable report headed: "The President's Health" which includes: "...that his illness had assumed a very serious, and critical aspect...in the afternoon however the symptoms became less menacing & the President was thought b... See More  

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Death of President Zachary Taylor...

Item #682924

July 11, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 11, 1850 

* Death of President Zachary Taylor

* Best publication to be had ? (rare)

All four pages have black mourning rules for the death of President Zachary Taylor. He was just the second President to die in office.

The report is at the top of the front page begins: "Weep, fellow citizens! The hand of Death has stricken down a gre... See More  

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Much on President Zachary Taylor's funeral...

Item #682923

July 13, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 13, 1850 

* President Zachary Taylor death - funeral

* From our nation's capital

The front page begins with: "The General Grief" on the death of President Taylor. Related reports take two columns.

Much of page 3 is taken up with related reports including; "The Arrangements Fo the Funeral of the Late President" &quo... See More  

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California becomes a state... Key acts in the Compromise of 1850...

Item #682815

September 12, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 12, 1850 

* California joins the Union (statehood)

* From the nation's capital

Not only does page 3 contain the official Act of Congress creating California as a state, the report is in the newspaper which was the unofficial voice of the government in any matters political.

Page 3 has: "An Act for the Admission of the State of C... See More  

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Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...

Item #682468

June 24, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., June 24, 1817  The front page has a report of the travels of the President on the steam boat Fulton, landing at Staten Island & his visits to the fort at Harlem Heights. Also to runaway reward ads. Page 3 has a runaway reward ad as well.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Taylor's state-of-the-union address...

Item #682237

December 25, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 25, 1849 

* President Zachary Taylor

* State of the Union Address

* Best publication to be had ?

Most of the ftpg. is taken up with reports from "Congress" including several mention of "...Mr. Davis, of Mississippi..." which was Jefferson Davis, who would become the President of the Confederacy.

Much of pages 4 ... See More  

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Detailed report on the gold from California...

Item #682232

December 14, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 14, 1848  Page 3 contains nearly a full column headed: "The California Gold Specimens" which is an early report on the 1849 Gold Rush. Included is a letter from the director of the U.S. Mint concerning the quality of gold received from California.

Also on pg. 3: "The Proposed Panama Railroad" which admits: "...the necess... See More  

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Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...

Item #681522

April 12, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 12, 1817  The front page has: "The Late Inauguration" with talk on some details of James Monroe's inauguration.

Page 3 has a reward ad for a runaway slave, and a report from the "War Department" concerning those entitled to bounty lands for serves in the military during the War of 1812.

Four pages, some period doodling a... See More  

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A life not wasted...

Item #681478

November 21, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 21, 1848  Page 2 has a nice piece on the meaning of life: "True Life", which appeared in the History's Newsstand Blog post, "A Life Wasted". Also included are "The Pitcairn Islanders" "The Hadley Falls Dam Destroyed" and much more.

Four pages, very nice condition.

... See More  

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Great, early content on the California Gold Rush...

Item #681279

December 23, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 23, 1848  The front page has several items on the California Gold Rush including: "California Adventurers" beginning: "The 'stream of human life' is now setting as irresistibly towards California...The gold attraction is so strong that few are willing to lose the time necessary to go by water round the cape or by the overla... See More  

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Much reporting on the Mexican War as it nears its end...

Item #680944

October 12, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 12, 1847  Page 3 has much reporting on the Mexican War including: "Major Lally's Command" which has reports of the killed  & wounded at Cerro Gordo, National Bridge, Paso Ovijas, and at Lasanimas.

Also a report headed: "A Little Later From Vera Cruz" which has much, taking over a full column. There is also ... See More  

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The first "learned society"...

Item #680898

August 15, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C. August 15, 1816  The second page carries an article "A number of the citizens of the District of Columbia, impressed with the importance of forming an association for the purpose of promoting useful knowledge, met on the 28th day of June, 1816,... agreeably to public notice the committee appointed as aforesaid reported the following draft of a con... See More  

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