Web Results (357)



A 'call to arms' for the Black Hawk War...

Item #654192

June 09, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 9, 1832  Inside has over half a page headed: "Indian War" which includes a Proclamation from the Rock River, signed by: John Reynolds, noting: "It becomes my duty again to call on you for your services in the defense of your country. The state is not only invaded by the hostile Indians but many of our citizens have been slain in battl... See More  

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James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle...

Item #654178

July 18, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 18, 1818  Of importance is the multi-page printing of former President James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle.

The Wiley Online Library, in regards to this lengthy address, states the following: "James Madison's 1818 Address to the Albemarle Agricultural Society offers new insight into the diverse historiogra... See More  

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Pirates, Key West, Mobile, and Indian treaties...

Item #653272

February 20, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 20, 1830  Page 5 has a number of brief yet interesting items, including: "Key West - Com. Porter has written a letter saying that 'the harbor of Key West, is...the best harbor in the United States..." with more. Also: "Mobile has become a place of much business...has a fine inland trade by steam boats...".

"Pirates"... See More  

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Item #653257

April 17, 1819

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 17, 1819  Among the articles are: "Privateering--and Piracy" "Banking Scraps" "Western Banks" "Jackson--Clinton and Scott" includes a letter signed by: Winfield Scott.

Sixteen pages, 6 1/4 by 10 inches, in very good condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circul... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's trial continues... The frigate Constitution...

Item #653254

June 10, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Maryland, June 10, 1815 The issue begins mid-sentence with: "Gen. Jackson's "Trial" taking over 4 pages. There are 3 pages of "Health Statistics" with state-by-state charts breaking down the population by sex, and age. There are nearly 2 pages of "War Events: Or Things Incidental to the Late War" which includes a su... See More  

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Captured slave ship...

Item #653171

June 15, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 15, 1839 

* African slave trade capture

The bkpg. has a report: "Slaves Captured" which notes in part: "...British sloop of war Buzzard...captured by her on the coast of Africa on suspicion of having been concerned in the slave trade, have arrived at New York...vessels...are both American built & the officers were all Amer... See More  

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Creating a militia... Creating a National University in Washington, D.C...

Item #652968

December 21, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 21, 1816 Inside has over two pages taken up with: "A PLAN, For Classing and Arming of  the Militia, and for Calling them Forth to Execute the Laws of  the Union, Suppress Insurrections, and Repel Invasions, and to Repeal the Laws Heretofore passed for those Purposes." Considerable detail.

Nearly half a column is: "A BILL For the... See More  

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Seeking a location in the Chesapeake for a naval depot...

Item #652947

February 22, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1817  The first two pages are taken up with a lengthy report signed in type by: D. Porter, being: "...the communication made by captain David Porter, commissioner of the navy in relation to the site for a naval depot & the best means to be adopted for the defence of the Chesapeake bay." The report begins: "Hampton Roads, it is... See More  

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Pirates in the Caribbean... U.S. coins... Banking...

Item #650858

June 12, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 12, 1819  Much on "Banks and Banking" and over 4 pages on: "Regulation of Coins - Important Report".

The back page has a small item: "Piracies, frequently accompanied by murder, are frequent in the West India seas--and patriots also deal in slaves. We are disgusted with the abuses of the South American flags."

Sixteen... See More  

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Overtaking the Indians in Florida... Second Seminole War...

Item #650838

January 12, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 12, 1839  Included are 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "Occupation Of Florida" which is introduced with: "A bill to provide for the armed occupation and settlement of that part of Florida which is now overrun and infested by marauding bands of hostile Indians." with all six Sections.

Much more reporting from the federal governmen... See More  

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Executed as pirates... Slavery in Missouri?

Item #650820

May 27, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 27, 1820  The back page has a note concerning "Missouri" that: "...the great question, whether the further introduction of slaves shall be prohibited or not, by the constitution now about to be formed, most seriously occupies the public attention. The result appears to be doubtful." and a report headed: 'Pirates" which ha... See More  

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American tobacco exports... The Cherokee Nation...

Item #650364

June 27, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 27, 1829

* Article re: the Cherokee Nation

* Chart on the exporting of American tobacco to foreign countries

Much of the news in this newspaper is government related. Featured in this issue is a report, along with a chart, of the exportation of American tobacco to various countries. Also a report on the Cherokee Nation.  

Sixteen pages, 6 by... See More  

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Discussing the Navy... The slave trade...

Item #650285

April 14, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 14, 1821  Over two pages are taken up with a lengthy & detailed report headed: "Navy of the United States" with discussion on costs of operations, etc. The report is signed in type by: John Rodgers. Nearly 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Slave Trade" which has much discussion on this controversial subject.

Complete in ... See More  

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Madison's review of the year 1815... Chart notes values of slaves...

Item #650012

December 09, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 9, 1815 

* President James Madison

* State of the Union Address

The notable content is the full text of the President's annual state-of-the-union address signed in type: James Madison. He reviews all that happened in 1815 with much on the details of the end of the War of 1812.

Several state statistical charts including one for North Caro... See More  

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Indiana prepares for statehood... Court martial trial of General Edmund Gaines...

Item #650008

November 30, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1816  Pages 7 & 8 contain the inaugural address of Governor Jennings, the first governor of Indiana, given just a month prior  to Indiana becoming the 19th state of the Union. Not surprisingly much of his speech focuses on the work in gaining statehood.

Also inside is great detail on the: "Trial of General Gaines" court marti... See More  

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Anger over the Trail of Tears... Franklin quote...

Item #649956

August 01, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1829  The top of the ftpg. has a small bit about Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State at the time, being granted an honorary doctorate of law degree from Rutgers' College.

Inside has an article: "Slavery In Colombia" as well as: "Georgia And The Cherokees" being a letter from the brother of a chief and his anger at their ... See More  

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Martin Van Buren is elected President of the United States...

Item #649931

February 11, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1837  Near the back is a report from Congress which includes, in part, a report of the formal election of Martin Van Buren as President, evidenced by a chart of the electoral vote by state.

The text reads in part: "...the return of electoral votes from each state was opened, read & recorded...After the counting of the votes was complet... See More  

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Hints of a coming war... Population in the territories...

Item #649510

January 25, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 25, 1812  The front page has a letter to Congress signed by the President: James Madison, which hints of the coming war: "...The continued evidence afforded in this correspondence of the hostile policy of the British government against our national rights, strengthens the considerations recommending & urging the preparation of adequate means for m... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #649444

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #649443

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of  he Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from... See More  

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Newspapers with a treasure-trove of political reporting...

Item #649274
(20) NILES' REGISTER, Baltimore, 1820's - 1830's  A lot of 20 different issues within the noted date range, all complete and each containing 16 pages.

Niles' Register was a very famous, small-size newspaper which excellent political reporting--not surprising given its proximity to Washington, D.C.--in addition to carrying a wealth of news events from across the country. I
... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Louisiana to become a state...

Item #649093

March 28, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 28, 1812  Inside has lengthy reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes discussion headed: "State of Louisiana" concerning Louisiana joining the Union. Another page has: "The bill for the admission of Louisiana into the union has passed the house of representatives with a provision to include within the limits of... See More  

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Making carpets in America... Andy Jackson Proclamation...

Item #649085

March 27, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, March 27, 1830  Inside has an interesting article: "American Carpeting" concerning the creation of a a carpet manufacturing company in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, allowing Americans to no longer be dependent on foreign manufactures, followed by the: "President's Reply" congratulating American ingenuity, signed in type: Andrew Jackson.

... See More  

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Much on the Sam Houston flogging incident...

Item #649021

April 28, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 28, 1832  Within this issue is an article headed: "Case Of Samuel Houston" which is concerning his trial for flogging William Stanberry. This report is quite lengthy, taking almost 6 pages, with a portion including: "...At the moment of stepping on the side walk Mr. Houston stood before me. I think he called me by my name, and i... See More  

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Lafayette... Indian Treaty at Green Bay...

Item #649020

October 16, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 16, 1830  The front page has an article: "Lafayette" which tells of his kindness to America. Inside has more with an article headed: "General Lafayette" which includes two letters each signed by him in type: Lafayette concerning troubles in France and his wish to be able to: "...rejoice together in the result of this last gl... See More  

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Fur traders battle with the Indians...

Item #648863

March 25, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 25, 1837  Page 2 has an interesting & quite involved report headed: "Battle of the Fur Traders With the Indians Near the Rocky Mountains", detailing just that. Page 14 has: "American Colonies In Africa".

Sixteen pages, 8 1/2 by 12 inches, very nice condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of ... See More  

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Informative letter from the captured Santa Ana...

Item #648859

May 27, 1837

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 27, 1837  Inside has: "Santa Ana - Translated from the Manifesto of General Santa Ana" which is a lengthy letter from him regarding his capture, taking two columns.

Bits include: "On the 22nd of April I was made a prisoner by the Texian volunteers, but they did not know who I was. Having been brought before Houston, I was soon recognized b... See More  

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Early newspaper account o the Florida Everglades...

Item #648834

September 25, 1841

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 25, 1841 

* Early Florida Everglades

The bkpg. has a very early article on: "The Everglades" which begins; "The Pay-hai-o-kee, grass-water of Everglades, comprises a large portion of Southern Florida...and separated from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico by a pine barren..." with more descriptive text.

Another page has: &... See More  

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Converting the Jews... Indiana joins the Union...

Item #648731

December 14, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, December 14, 1816  One of the more notable items in this issue is the back page item with a small heading: "The Jews" with the text including:

"...about $500,000 have been assessed on the public in one form or other for the last five yeas & expended---with what result? The conversion, real or supposed, of five Jews. This is at the rat... See More  

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The Erie Canal is completed...

Item #648722

October 29, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, October 29, 1825  A front page report headed "The Erie Canal" begins: "Wednesday last was a great day in New York, the Erie canal being completed....Salutes were fired in succession....The first boat...is expected to arrive at New York on the 4th..." plus a related second report: "The Grand Salute"  which begins: &... See More  

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Prelude to the Alamo: slavery in Texas...

Item #648148

April 03, 1830

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 3, 1830  Page 4 has: "Texas" which reports in part: "Some quite violent articles are published in the Mexican papers as to the designs of the United States to secure the possession of Texas; and the introduction of slaves in s greatly complained of...that the president of Mexico has declared that the slaves already in Texas may remain as ... See More  

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Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson...

Item #648146

October 02, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1830  Among the articles within are: "Negro Cloths", a letter signed in type: Andrew Jackson declining an offer to attend a public dinner in Knoxville; "Virginia Gold" "Origin of the Slave Trade"; a letter to John Adams concerning "Anticipated Revolutions" signed in type: Thomas Jefferson, datelines "M... See More  

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Captain Oliver Hazard Perry...

Item #647970

March 15, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 15, 1817  The issue begins with: "The State of Our Country". Other items include: "Legislature of Delaware - Governor's Address" signed: John Clark; "Legislature of Kentucky" "General Armstrong Privateer"; a lengthy list of: "Appointments & Promotions" by the President, taking over half a pa... See More  

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Jackson's annual message... The new Gobrecht half dollar coin...

Item #647789

December 10, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 10, 1836  Over four pages inside are taken up with: "The Annual Message" being the  President's  state-of-the-union address, signed in type: Andrew  Jackson. This lengthy address is an excellent overview of the events of 1836.

For coin collectors, a rare report on the new Gobrecht half dollar about to be issued, he... See More  

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Letters by Dolly Madison... The new silver dollar...

Item #647788

December 17, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836  The front page has a nice descriptive article on the new seated liberty silver dollar by Gobrecht, which will: "...soon make its appearance. The face of the coin represents a full length figure of Liberty seated on a rock with the classic emblem of the pileus or liberty cap surmounting a spear held in the left hand..." with ... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812, and more...

Item #647760

January 02, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 2, 1813  Inside includes a lengthy address headed: "Legislature of Kentucky" signed; Isaac Shelby. Other content includes: "Privateers" "Distribution of Army" which includes a state-by-state chart; "Imprisonment of Seamen" which includes documents signed by James Monroe, James Madison & others.

Over 4 pages are ... See More  

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Louisiana to become a state...

Item #647757

March 28, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 28, 1812  Inside has lengthy reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes discussion headed: "State of Louisiana" concerning Louisiana joining the Union.

Another page has: "The bill for the admission of Louisiana into the union has passed the house of representatives with a provision to include within the limits o... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #647752

February 06, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 6, 1813  Among the articles within are: "Naturalized Seamen" "Perpetual Motion", much reporting from "Proceedings of Congress", and there are 3 pages taken up with reports headed: "Events of the War".

Among the subheads are: "Military" "Army of the Centre" "Eastern Frontier" "Naval... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812...

Item #647750

October 24, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 24, 1812  Among the articles are: "Distillation of Spirits" and a chart headed: "The War on the Ocean" "The British in the Peninsula".

Under the heading: "Events of the War" are several reports on the on-going War of 1812 including subheads: "Military" "Extract of a Letter from S. Dinsmore, Agent for ... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #647690

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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Much reporting on the War of 1812...

Item #647677

November 20, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 20, 1813  Among the articles are: "Progress of the Enemy" and "Events of the War" takes over 6 pages with content including: "Military"; a letter from Sackett's Harbor; "General Orders" from Edward Baynes; "Naval"; an interesting chart headed: "Maritime War" with a list of U.S. and British ves... See More  

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Much reporting on the War of 1812...

Item #647675

December 04, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1813  Among the reports are: "The War-Tax Laws" "Captain Jesse D. Elliot" "Governor Shelby" "Vermont Militia" with a section headed: "Events of the War" taking over 6 pages & including subheads: "Military--The Northern Armies" "Official Correspondence--From Gen. Wilkinson to the Secret... See More  

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Victory over the Creek Indians... Battle of Lake Erie...

Item #647673

December 25, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 25, 1813  The issue begins with: "The Embargo Law" which takes 3 pages. Also inside: "Female Heroism". Seven pages are taken up with: "Events of the War" which has a great wealth of content on the War of 1812. Among the reports & subheads here are: "Military--Wilkinson's Army" "The Southern Indians&... See More  

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Madison, Monroe, and Harrison...

Item #647671

January 08, 1814

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 8, 1814  Inside has: "General Smyth's Petition" "The Embargo Question" "To Independence"; letters signed in type by James Monroe and James Madison.

There are also 7 pages under the heading: "Events of the War". Among its subheads & reports are: "The Enemy" "The Friends of Peace" "Fro... See More  

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Much on the military actions of Andrew Jackson, in his own words...

Item #647664

February 26, 1814

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 26, 1814  Within its pages is: "Events of the War" which consume nearly 7 of the 16 pages with the latest news from the on-going War of 1812. Among the reports and subheads are: "Vigilance"; a letter signed in type by: James Monroe; "Baltimore Vessels" "Additional Rules for the Recruiting Service"; 3 letters signed i... See More  

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Two letters signed by William Henry Harrison...

Item #647662

April 16, 1814

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 16, 1814  Contains much reporting on the War of 1812 including letters signed by John Armstrong, Wm. Henry Harrison, Geo. McClure taking 3 pages. Also: "Brig. Gen. Tecumseh" "Events of the War" which takes 6 pages with various letters of correspondence.

Sixteen pages, 6 1/4 by 9 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

As noted in W... See More  

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Andy Jackson gets a promotion... Attacking Texas...

Item #647655

June 04, 1814

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 4, 1814  Inside has over 6 pages taken up with: "Events of the War" reporting on the on-going War of 1812. Among the reports are a letter from Col. Hawkins concerning the Creek Indian War, plus a lengthier letter signed in type: Andrew Jackson, with more reporting on the Creek War.

Another document is headed: "Traitors" beg... See More  

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President Madison on the Embargo... Andrew Jackson & others...

Item #647654

July 02, 1814

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 2, 1814  The first 3 pages are taken up with a lengthy: "Report On The Fisheries" including a full front page chart, with notation that it is "By Thomas Jefferson".

Inside  has 6 1/2 pages of "Events of the War" concerning the on-going War of 1812. Among the subheads and reports are: "The Army" whic... See More  

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On Wellington and Buonaparte... The Peacock and Hornet...

Item #647620

August 26, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 26, 1815  Page 2 is mostly taken up with: "War Events: Copy of a Letter from Captain Biddle to Commodore Decatur" dated on board the Hornet being his report on the work of the Hornet and the Peacock.

Another page has: "Of The Great Battles" beginning: "The following is given as Wellington's force previous to the attack ... See More  

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Allowing Indiana to become a state...

Item #647618

June 01, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 1, 1816  Perhaps the best content in this issue is an article headed: "Laws of the United States. An Act to enable the people of the Indiana Territory to form a constitution & state government & for the admission of such a state into the union..." which takes over a full pg. and is signed in type by H. Clay and the President, ... See More  

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