The Mexican War...
Item #599074
March 11, 1847
COLUMBIA WASHINGTONIAN, Hudson, New York, March 11, 1847 the front page ha: "Washington's Last charge at Brandywine" which takes 2 1/2 columns. Page 3 has content on the Mexican War: "From The Seat of War""the American Prisoners".
Four pages, good condition.
A temperance newspaper, but with more...
Item #598400
April 15, 1847
COLUMBIA WASHINGTONIAN, Hudson, New York, April 15, 1847 A temperance newspaper that also had news of the day. Noted at the top of the first column is: "Devoted to the Cause of Temperance". The front page has: "Physical Effects of Dram Drinking" "To the Ladies" & more. Inside has: "Horrible Effects of Rum" "The Rummies 'done up' at Yon... See More
Mexican War...
Item #597364
January 16, 1847
THE SALEM OBSERVER, Massachusetts, Jan. 16, 1847 Page 2 includes: "The War and Slavery" "Important From the Army" "The Mexican War" "More of Santa Anna's Movements" with the Mexican War coverage taking over a full column.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, dirtiness to an upper portion of pg. 1 only, otherwise good.
The Mexican War...
Item #596577
January 14, 1847
THE UNION, Washington, D.C., Jan. 14, 1847
* Mexican War
Page 3 has reports from the Mexican War including heads: "From Monterrey and Saltillo" "Brigadier General Pillow" "Movement of Troops" "The 'Rumors' from the Rio Grande" which includes a letter signed by: Z. Taylor; and other items. Some war content on page 2 as well.
Four pages, v... See More
Slavery... Reports on the Mexican War...
Item #596292
June 13, 1846
NEW YORK OBSERVER, June 13, 1846
* Mexican War
* The slave trade
The front page has: "Proceedings of the General Assembly" and "Discussion On The Subject of Slavery" which is quite lengthy. Page 2 has: "The Late Declaration on Slavery" and pg. 3 has; "Progress of the War--Surrender of Matamoras: Blockade of Vera Cruz--Murder of American P... See More
When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...
Item #596184
June 20, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 20, 1848
* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career
This newspaper contains on page 2 & 3 reports from the "House of Representatives" and includes the results of votes concerning the "Memorial of Chicago Convention". Within the "Yeas" lists on the vote is "Lincoln", this being Abraham Linc... See More
When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown... Death of Kit Carson?
Item #565239
July 18, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 18, 1848 This newspaper contains on page 3 reports from the "House of Representatives" and includes the results of a vote to suspend the rules concerning a resolution to allow a postal route bill to be disposed of, listing all those who voted "Yea" and "Nay". Within the "Yea" list is "Lincoln" (s... See More
Significant battle in the Mexican War...
Item #564348
May 08, 1847
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Massachusetts, May 8, 1847 Page 2 contains a brief yet graphically dramatic news item: "GREAT BATTLE AT CERRO GORDO!" the text reading: "Intelligence has just been received of a great battle at Cerro Gordo, between Gen. Scott and Santa Anna, in which the Mexicans were defeated, & their army completely routed. Five Mexican Generals were taken priso... See More
Nice reporting on the Mexican War...
Item #563568
September 16, 1847
SALEM REGISTER, Massachusetts, September 16, 1847 Page 2 has the last column headed: "Later From Scott's Army" "Two Bloody Battles" "Names of Officers Killed, etc." This detailed report takes almost the entire column (see for portions).
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, many back page illustrated ads, some various browning, generally nice.
America At War...
The Great War Collection (Eleven issues)...
Item #561531
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American ... See More
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From the Mexican War...
Item #560805
NEW YORK SPECTATOR, 1846 * Pre Civil war era reading
One of the more popular titles of the mid-19th century, and from this critical year during the Mexican War. Contains various news of the day including reports on the Mexican War. Complete in four pages, large folio size, very nice condition.
Famous title with Mexican War content...
Item #560803
THE WEEKLY HERALD, New York, 1847 * From the Mexican war
The very famous James Gordon Bennett newspaper the "New York Herald" also published a weekly edition, summarizing the various news events from the previous week. The issue featured an engraving on the front page, and this being from the critical period of the Mexican War, war content is found on the inside pages.
Complete a... See More
The rivers of Texas... from 1849...
Item #559037
August 25, 1849
* The rivers of Texas
* Post Mexican War era
On the back page under "Sketches Of Texas...No. II" is a detailed report: "Rivers of Texas--Facilities of Interior Commerce--Prospective Improvements of Rivers and Harbors." The report describes the accessibility of the principal rivers of Texas: the Trin... See More
Theft of the Mona Lisa...
Item #177621
September 09, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 9, 1911
This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "Alfonso Goes on His Vacation."
This issue has an article of "The Startling Theft of a Priceless Painting--"Mona Lisa.'" The double page illustration is of "Waiting for the Ships That Will Never Come In" b... See More
Piracy of the Mexican War...
Item #220404
July 23, 1864
THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 23, 1864 The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including: "The Great Contest: General Grant's Operations", "The Great Contest: The Raid Into Maryland", "Approach to the Chattahoochee...", "A Self Convicted Pirate", and much more. There is additional war-rela
... See More
Much on Ulysses S. Grant...
Item #176226
May 01, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 1, 1897 Across the top is: 'GRANT MEMORIAL NUMBER' Full ftpg: 'The Tomb of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant--Interior View'. Halfpg. shows his funeral, plus a great 3/4 pg. print of 'Ulysses S. Grant'. Great doublepage centerfold: 'The Tomb of Grant, Riverside Drive, N.Y.'. Many more scenes and photos from his life. Halfpg. racquetball ... See More
Early from Indiana...
Item #150708
March 12, 1847
WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN, Salem, Indiana, March 12, 1847 This newspaper is in nice condition (except for light waterstaining) due to the use of cotton and rags when making newsprint at that time.
This issue contains various news of the day and interesting advertisements, providing a taste of what life was like in this town from during the Mexican War.
A very early issue for a newspaper from ... See More
Additional war collections...
Item #180155
Additional War Collections can be obtained for any of the following: French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, Mexican War, Spanish-American War, WWI, and the Korean War. Prices will vary depending upon the collection, but will be priced similarly to our other war collections, and may range from $40 to $100. Contact us for additional details and exact pricing.
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