Brigham Young... Malay pirates...
Item #172084
September 19, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1857 The front page "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features close to half page illustration 'View of Nazareth' and a smaller illustration entitled 'Shrine of the Annunciation'. "The Candidates for the Governorship of Pennsylvania" features the illustrations of 'Hon. Isaac Hazlehurst', "Hon. David Wil... See More
Cornelius Vanderbilt...
Item #172238
March 05, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, from New York, dated March 5, 1859. Half of the front page features an illustration of "Cornelius Vanderbilt, Esq.". An article "A New Race of Monkeys -- The Gorillas" includes four illustrations. A nearly fullpage "Opening of the British Parliament by Queen Victoria, 1859". Fullpage 'The Napier Ball At Williard' s Hotel, Washington ... See More
Great doublepage print of the skyline of New York City...
Item #172252
April 23, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 23, 1859 HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 23, 1859 The front page features the: "Fac-Simile of Mrs. Sickles's Confession". Prints inside include: "Cardinal Antonelli, Secretary of State in the Papal Government" "The Carnival at Rome, 1859" "General Geffard, President of Haiti".
The prime print is the... See More
Map of the seat of war in Italy...
Item #172262
May 28, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 28, 1859 The front page features a small illustration of "The Late Baron Humboldt", a nearly half page illustration of "Humboldt in His Study at Berlin" as well as a small "Baron Humboldt's Autograph". Full page: 'Ye Abolitionists in Council--Ye Orator of Ye Day Denouncing Ye Union, May, 1859' shows a preacher... See More
"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens... Ballooning...
Item #172268
June 18, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 18, 1859 Two front 1/4 page illustrations of "General Garibaldi" and "Garibaldi's Chasseurs of the Alps." are featured on the front page. Inside pertaining to "The War in Europe" including "The French Army Marching Through a Sardinian Fortified Place Toward the Austrian Lines" and "The Emperor of Austria and His G... See More
Regis Gignoux's Niagara lighthouse
Item #172274
July 09, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1859 A front page half page illustration of "Fire in the Fourth." Inside includes a full page illustration of "Gignoux's Niagara - The Property of Hon. August Belmont" (Lighthouse). This features the continuation of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. A nearly doublepage map of "Sardinia, Piedmont, Savoy, Pa... See More
Mountain Meadows Massacre... Pike's Peak gold mines...
Item #172284
August 13, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 13, 1859 A nice front page illustration 'The Scene of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah Territory' with article as well. Nice full page with 3 illustrations of: 'The Pike's Peak Gold Mines'. A full page illustration of "The 'Battle of Magenta' at Jones's Wood, New York". A full page illustration is comprised of... See More
'A Happy New Year' shows several scenes... New Senate chambers...
Item #172324
December 31, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 31, 1859 A very nice full frontpage illustration entitled 'A Happy New Year' shows several scenes, including Father Time and 6 vignettes. Nice doublepage centerfold shows: 'The United States Senate in Session in Their New Chamber'. The back page features three cartoons.
Complete in 12 pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints ... See More
Huge fire at the Lawrence Pemberton Mills...
Item #172330
January 21, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 21, 1860 The full front page shows: "Ruins of the Pemberton Mills, At Lawrence, Massachusetts...". The doublepage centerfold has has 12 comic vignettes titled: "A Broadsheet of Good Things, by John Leech". Also a three-quarter page print: "The Ball at Tammany Hall, New York...In Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Battle of New... See More
Three Winslow Homer prints...
Item #172338
February 18, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 18, 1860 There is a small & uncaptioned Winslow Homer print on the ftpg., plus another on the front page captioned: 'Allow Me to Examine the Young Lady'. There is yet a 3rd Homer print: 'Hon. J.M. Curry of Ala.'. Very nice dblpgctrfld: 'View of Broadway, Opposite Fulton St., N.Y.' at winter time. 'Pope Pius the 9th'. This issue also con... See More
Winslow Homer print...
Item #172340
February 25, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 25, 1860 Full ftpg. illus: 'Clark Mills' Statue of Washington'. Halfpg: 'Bridge over Green River on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad'. Halfpg: 'Hon. Clement C. Clay of Alabama'. Small Winslow Homer print: 'The Meeting After the Marriage'. This issue also contains the 2nd installment of "The Uncommercial Traveler&... See More
Winslow Homer... Central Park...
Item #172398
September 15, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 15, 1860 Nice halfpg. illus. of: "Hon. Horace Greeley". Great dblpgctrfld: "The Drive in the Central Park, New York" by Winslow Homer shows a "young" Central Park with the trees very small. One-third pg: "General View of the City of London, Canada West". Half-page: "The Prince of Wales' Progress.--King ... See More
Many prints on the battle of Bull Run...
Item #172492
August 10, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 10, 1861 The front page includes a print of "Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton". Inside has a full page: "Retreat of Our Troops from Bull Run, by Moonlight, Colonel Blenker's Brigade Covering" and a very dramatic full page: "Charge of the Black Horse Cavalry Upon the Fire Zouaves at the Battle of Bull Run"; a full page map: &... See More
The Southern expedition under General Butler...
Item #172502
September 14, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 14, 1861 The front page has: "Bombardment of Forts Hatteras & Clark by the U.S. Fleet under Flag Officer Stringham" and prints of: "Flag Officer Stringham" and "Major-General Butler". Inside pages include: "Brig. Gen. Rosecrans, U.S.A., Commanding U.S. Forces in Western Virginia" "Rebel Prisoners Leav... See More
Sharpshooters in the Civil War...
Item #172508
October 05, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 5, 1861 The full front page is taken up with: "The New Hampshire Sharp-Shooters - The Telescopic Rifle" which has 6 prints of the "Berdan Sharpshooters at Weehawen" led by Capt. A. B. Jones.
Other prints inside include: "The Men-of-War in Our Harbor" "Munson's Hill, the Advanced Post of the Rebel Army on the Potomac&... See More
The great naval expedition...
Item #172518
November 09, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 9, 1861 (See Note Below - excludes multi-panel map) The front page has a print of an: "Attack Upon the Camp of the Sixth Regiment New York Volunteers (Wilson's Zouaves), On Santa Rosa Island" as well as a print of: "Captain S. F. Dupont, Commanding the Great Naval Expedition".
Other prints inside include: "Our Army at Ed... See More
A Winslow Homer print, and Civil War scenes...
Item #172538
January 18, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 18, 1862 The front page has two prints: "Port Royal Ferry, Scene of the Battle of First January, 1862" and a cartoonish print showing a: "Scene in the Parlor of Mrs. Barnwell's House at Beaufort, South Carolina" showing various African-Americans.
Inside has a full page of: "The Vessels of General Burnside's Expedition a... See More
General McClernand...
Item #172542
February 01, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 1, 1862 The full front page has two prints: "Destruction of a Schooner off Cumberland Inlet, Georgia, by the boats of the 'Alabama'" and "The Pirate 'Sumter' Firing at the Brig 'Joseph Parks' of Boston".
Inside has a full page print with 8 images of: "War Scenes On Green River, Kentucky" and other ... See More
Dramatic cavalry charge before Vicksburg...
Item #172656
March 07, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page features a full-figure print of: "The Late Nicholas Longworth, the Western Millionaire" with the balance of the front page taken up with an article on him, carrying over to page 2.
Other prints within include a full page: "Paying Off The Teamsters in the Army of the Potomac" showing many African-Americans. Also ... See More
Morris Island... Charleston harbor...
Item #172706
August 29, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 29, 1863 The front page features an illustration of: "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." and an article on him as well. Inside has 4 halfpg. prints: "The 'Hartford,' Admiral Farragut's Flag-Ship, Arriving at New York and Returning the Salutes of Foreign Frigates", "Explosion of a Torpedo Under the Bow of the Unit... See More
The first African-American chaplain in the U.S. Army...
Item #172736
December 12, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 12, 1863 The full front page is a dramatic print: "Guerrilla Warfare--Rescue of a Wounded Officer from a Band of Guerrillas". Prints inside include: "The Great Organ in the Boston Music Hall" "The Army of the Potomac--The Great Depot of Supplies on the Railroad" and "...The Bridge Over Bull Run--Present Appearance&quo... See More
Thomas Nast creates a displayable New Year's Day centerfold...
Item #172742
January 02, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 2, 1864 Part of front page is a cross section: 'Diagram of Monitor 'Weehawken' Sunk in Charleston Harbor'. Also on the ftpg. are prints of: "Frederick VII, Late King of Denmark" and "Christian IX, Present King of Denmark".
Inside has full page prints captioned: "The Army of the Cumberland--General Baird's Di... See More
Life of George Washington...
Item #172758
February 27, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 27, 1864 The full front page is a print of a memorial, and a related poem. The doublepage centerfold is a nice one showing: "Pictures From the Life of George Washington" which includes vignettes, the largest showing him: "Resigning is Commission, 1783".
Other prints within include: "Colts Armory After the Fire--Interior" and ... See More
Two Civil War maps, and rebel atrocities...
Item #172782
May 21, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, News York, May 21, 1864 The full front pager is a print: "General Sherman's Advance--Buzzard's Roost Pass, Georgia". Inside has a full page: "Grand Musical Festival in Philadelphia In Aid of the Sanitary Commission"; a full page: "Map of Virginia showing the Military Operations of Generals Grant and Butler"as well as: "Map of Ri... See More
General William T. Sherman in Georgia...
Item #172786
June 04, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1864 The full front page is a very nice print of: "Major-General William T. Sherman". Other prints within include a full page: Major-General Wadsworth Fighting in the Wilderness", and other prints of: "...Our Wounded Escaping from the Fires in the Wilderness" "Army of the Potomac--Scene of General Sedgwick's Death"... See More
Advancing upon Columbia and Charleston, South Carolina...
Item #172872
April 01, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 1, 1865 The front page has a nice print showing: "General Sherman's Entry Into Columbia, South Carolina". Pages 2 and 3 have some interesting war-related articles including: "Davis Asks to be Dictator" "Davis and Lee" "Trade With Rebels" and more.
Other prints within include: "14th and 20th Corps Crossing ... See More
General Custer in the Civil War...
Item #172896
June 24, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 24, 1865 The full front page is a nice print of: "Lieutenant-General Grant visiting General Scott at Cozzens's Hotel, West Point".
Among the nice prints within this issue is a full page of: "Sheridan and His Generals" with each labeled, perhaps the most notable being "Custer" some 11 years before his death at Little Big H... See More
Lincoln being celebrated in Richmond... The Life of George Washington...
Item #172966
February 24, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 24, 1866 The entire ftpg. features nine: "Portraits of Washington" at various times in his life. Inside contains an article with nine illustrations on: 'The Birthplace, Home & Tomb of Washington'.
The doublepage centerfold is a very nice & large print captioned: "President Lincoln Entering Richmond, April 4, 1865" showing him... See More
Great fire in Cincinnati...
Item #172980
April 14, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Apr. 14, 1866 Fullpg: 'The Great Fire in Cincinnati' halfpg. article & illustration on 'Robert E. Lee, in Civil Life' 1/4 pg: 'The Rev. Alexander Grummell' is a Black minister.
Complete in 16 pages.
The game of croquet...
Item #173022
September 08, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 8, 1866 Great full ftpg: 'Pictures of the South--Magnolia Grove on the Shell Rd. at Mobile, Ala.' Fullpg; 'Pictures of the South--Baton Rouge, La.' & 'The Game of Croquet'. Halfpg 'The 'three-card monte'--A Scene on Coney Island' Good.
President Johnson in New York City...
Item #173024
September 15, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 15, 1866 Full ftpg: 'Pres. Johnson's Reception in N.Y.'. Halfpg: 'Gathering Moss on Berwick Bay, La.' 1/3 pg: 'Negro Quarters on Jeff Davis's Plantation' & 'Jeff. Davis's Mansion in Miss.' & 'Andrew Johnson' & fullpg: 'Pres. Johnson's Reception at City Hall, N.Y.'
Complete in sixteen p... See More
Thomas Nast political montage on Andrew Johnson... Texas...
Item #173036
October 27, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 27, 1866 Half of ftpg. shows: 'Lady Lobbyists at the White House'. 'Sinking of the Daniel Webster' & 'Sinking of the Evening Star'. Nice dblpgctrfld. by Thomas Nast is a montage of political cartoons on Andrew Johnson. A fullpg. of four nice scenes in Texas, including Houston and Galveston. Halfpg; 'Faneuil Hall, Boston. Bkpg. pol... See More
Emancipation illustration...
Item #173058
January 12, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 12, 1867 The front page is taken up with a print: "Isaac Watts and His Mother at the Prison-Gate" which has an accompanying article.
The feature of the issue is a letter to the editor headed: "Frederick Douglass" which provides some detail of a man who encountered him as a passenger on a railroad train. One portion notes: &q... See More
Item #173060
January 19, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 19, 1867. Nice full ftpg: 'Grandpa Is Coming!' Halfpg. 'Social Science: Cooking Our Own Dinner' & 'Railroad Train in a Snow Drift'. Nice fullpg: 'Coming From Church: Scene on the Bayou LaFourche' Halfpg: 'James Gordon Bennett, Jr.' 1/3 pg: 'Wreck of the Steamer Commodore'.
Other news and advertisements of t... See More
Lindell Hotel in Saint Louis...
Item #173086
April 20, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 20, 1867 Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled Ignis Fatuus. Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Burning of the Lindell Hotel, at Saint Louis, Missouri" and "Bedtime." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Launch of the Steamship 'Erie,' at Newburyport, Mass. Two 1/4 pg. illus. entitled "The wrong side of the stream" and Sweet Violets.... See More
Seward's Folly... Black soldiers...
Item #173090
May 04, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1867 Halfpg: 'Scene in a Sugar Rush, Otsego Co., N.Y.'. Fullpg. with 3 illus. & text re: Alaska: 'Our Russian Possession' showing 'Mt. Saint Elias, Russian America' & 'New Archangel, the Principal Town of Russian America' . Three prints of Black soldiers: 'The Contraband' 'The Recruit' & 'Th... See More
Admiral Farragut's ship "Franklin"...
Item #173112
July 20, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY July 20, 1867 Full front pg. illus. of "Cherry Ripe." (Small girl eating cherries). Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Harvest on Historic Fields-A Scene at the South." Six illus. of "Scottish Games at Jones's Wood." Dblpgctrfld. containing six illus. pertaining to "Scenes on Board Admiral Farragut's Flag Ship the "Franklin," Ne... See More
The Adirondack Mountains...
Item #173124
August 31, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Aug. 31, 1867 Fullpg. article with 9 illus: 'The Adirondack Mtns.'. 1/3pg. illus: 'Boring for Foundations for the N.Y. & Brooklyn Suspension Bridge'. Great fullpg: 'the Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Is., N.Y.' shows 9 scenes. Fullpg: 'Hide & Seek' shows children playing the game.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Buffalo Soldiers attacking Indians...
Item #173126
September 07, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 7, 1867 Ftpg: 'Waiting For the Pawn Shop To Open--a N.Y. Street Scene'. 1/4pg: 'Cheyenne Indians Attacking a Working Party on the Union Pacific R.R.' & also: 'Colored Troops Attacking Indians Near Wilson Creek Sta.'. Great dblpgctrfld: 'Public Garden & Commonwealth Ave., Boston'. Halfpg: 'Cable Landing at South Beach, Key West&... See More
Negro girl being whipped... Sheridan's ride...
Item #173128
September 14, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 14, 1867 Most of ftpg: 'Whipping A Negro Girl in N.C. by Unconstructed Johnsonians' with text as well. 3/4 pg: 'Sheridan's Ride'. Nice fullpg: 'The Last Shot' shows a soldier off his horse, shooting an Indian with a tomahawk about to kill him.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Horace Greeley...
Item #173132
September 28, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 28, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Horace Greeley Delivering the Opening Oration' of the American Institute. Great fullpg: 'Hop Picking--A Western N.Y. Sept. Scene', halfpg: 'Registration at the South--Scene at Asheville, N.C.', 1/3 pg: 'The Sangerfest at Indianapolis'
Complete in sixteen pages.
Santee Indians... National Cemetery of Antietam...
Item #173134
October 05, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 5, 1867 One-third pg: 'Village of Santee Indians Near Ft. Thompson, Minn.' & of a meeting between Indian chiefs from Dakota & peace commissioners. Dblpgctrfld: 'Dedication ceremonies at the National Cemetery of Antietam'. 1/3pg: 'Queen's Co. Fair Grounds near Hempstead, Long Island.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Pony Express...
Item #173142
November 02, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 2, 1867 Nice 1/3 pg. illus. of 'The Overland Pony Express', plus a small illus. of a Pony Express Station in Nebraska, and some illus. of Ute & Snake Indians. An article as well on the Pony Express of recent years. Dblpgctrfld: 'Indiana State Fair at Terre Haute'
Complete in sixteen pages.
Two full page Thanksgiving prints... Nice portrait of Charles Dickens...
Item #173150
November 30, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 30, 1867 This issue has several desirable prints: The front page has:" 'The Soldier's Friend' - An Incident in General Grant's Life", with a related article. The inside contains: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among the Puritans" along with: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among Their Descendants", a... See More
Charles Dickens...
Illicit Distillation (moonshine) in the South... Central Pacific Railroad...
Item #173152
December 07, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Dec. 7, 1867 Five views of scenes on the Central Pacific R.R. Two illustrations 'Illicit Distillation of Liquors' in the South. Nice halfpg: 'Charles Dickens as He Appears When Reading' shows him on stage. 'Fullpg: 'Elephant Hunting in Africa'.
Complete in sixteen pages.
St. Thomas... Buffalo...
Item #173154
December 14, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Dec. 14, 1867 Ftpg: 'The Long Sermon' shows a mother & two children asleep at church. 'The Coal Miner At Work' & 'The Coal Depot at Rondout, N.Y.' Half of dblpgctrfld: 'View of St. Thomas, West Indies, Lately Purchased by the U.S.' 2/5 pg: 'Shooting Buffalo from the Trains of the Kansas Pacific Railroad' halfpg: 'Farewell To ... See More
Several Christmas prints including Santa Claus...
Item #173158
December 28, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 28, 1867 The front page shows: 'The Wise Men Guided by the Star in the East'. Very nice half page print: "Santa Claus" shows him with a bag full of toys sneaking by two sleeping children. Another half page: "An Early Christmas Call" shows children, with toys, waking up mom & dad. A full page: "Christmas Toys--A Quiet Hi... See More
"A White Man's Government", by Thomas Nast... Scenes in Alaska...
Item #173232
September 05, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 5, 1868 Without a doubt, the most sought-after print within this issue is Thomas Nast's, "'his Is A White Man's Government". Also desirable are: the full-page, "Scenes in Alaska"; "Collecting the Customs--Operations of the Customs Inspectors & Agents at N.Y." (shows 5 scenes); "A Chinese Wedding&q
... See More
Thanksgiving dinner... Fulton ferry-boat collision... San Francisco earthquake......
Item #173256
November 28, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1868 The front page shows a 1/4 page illustration: 'Punishing Slaves in Cuba' as well as nearly 1/2 page: 'El Moro Castle at the Entrance to Harbor of Havana, Cuba' with text. A full page illustration is "French Council of Ministers Held at St. Cloud, Presided over by the Emperor". A halfpage illustration is of 'Trapping Wil... See More
Uncle Sam's 1st appearance with chin whiskers... National Colored Convention...
Item #173276
February 06, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 6, 1869 This issue features a large front page view of "Young Men's Christian Association Building, San Francisco, California". Also, a half page illustration "National Colored Convention in Session at Washington, D.C." with a related front page article. There are two full page illustrations "The Long Sleep" and "... See More
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