Actor Thomas Meighan death...
Item #681238
July 09, 1936
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 9, 1936
* Actor Thomas Meighan death
* Silent film - movies - talkies
The top of page 21 has a one column heading: "THOMAS MEIGHAN, MOVIE ACTOR, DIES" with subheads and photo. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 44 pages, rag edition, some spine wear, otherwise in very nice condition.
wikipedia notes: Thomas Meighan was ... See More
The Four Marx Brothers in 'Home Again'...
Item #681234
February 07, 1915
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 7, 1915
* The Marx Brothers comedy act
* Featured in "Home Again"
Within this issue, on page 5 of section 7 within various entertainment news, is a rather inconspicuous--yet significant--report under the heading: "Topping The Vaudeville Bills" noting that at the: "Royal Theatre--Eddie Leonard and Mabel Russell in a singing and dancing ac... See More
Charlie Chaplin weds Oona O'Neill....
Item #681225
June 17, 1943
* Charlie Chaplin (actor, comedian)
* Oona O'Neill (4th & final wife)
The front page has a one column heading: "Chaplin, at 54, Weds Girl, 18; Accuser Sobs" with small photo of Chaplin. Photo of O'Neill is on the back page.
Complete with all 42 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small bindi... See More
Review & premiere of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #681188
November 18, 1977
LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 18, 1977
* Best "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Science fiction film - Steven Spielberg - Richard Dreyfuss
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper fr... See More
Actress Lily Langtry weds in 1899...
Item #680877
July 19, 1899
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 19, 1899
* Cowboys vs. Indians
* Chief Swift Bear
* Badlands fight
The front page is a one column heading: "DESPERATE REDSKINS" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete with 8 pages,... See More
Battle of Corinth and so much more...
Item #680450
April 21, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 21, 1862
* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi
* General P. G. T. Beauregard
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy.
The front page is filled with ads, and pg. 2 begins with an editorial which starts: "It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the crisis on the Peninsula. On that theatre the fate of the first American Re... See More
Actress Lily Langtry weds in 1899...
Item #680409
August 15, 1899
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 15, 1899
* Actress Lily Langtry marries
Near the bottom of the front page is a one column heading: "Lily Langtry Weds" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete with 8 pages, a few smal... See More
Item #680311
August 13, 1942
* Walt Disney's Bambi movie premiere
* Opening day advertisement
Page 8 has a 13 x 4 inch advertisement for the opening day showing of the famous Walt Disney animated cartoon movie 'Bambi'
With movies at that time usually released 1st in New York City, this could very well be the very 1st advertisement for this movie classic in any... See More
Actor Edwin Booth... NYC fire department... Attack by Indians...
Item #680250
January 13, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 13, 1866
* Actor Edwin Booth
* NYC fire department
* Prints - illustrations
Full ftpg. is a nice illus. of: 'Edwin Forrest Booth' from a Brady photograph. The highly sought after great double page centerfold: 'Metropolitan Fire Department' is very displayable with many vignettes on the N.Y. fire dept. in action is present within this issu... See More
This racist newspaper reports the Lincoln assassination...
Item #680184
April 22, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)
* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth
* In a pro-white publication
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.
With thi... See More
Newspaper created for a motion picture...
Item #679338
November 29, 1929
THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Nov. 29, 1929 An interesting movie prop newspaper which was created as a prop for a motion picture. Not a "real" newspaper in the typical sense as the title and the content are very generic. Note there is no city or state in the dateline. Typically it was only the created headline which was seen in the movie. In this case the banner headline announces: "COMM. BY... See More
1901 Hurley, Wisconsin theater fire disaster...
Item #679181
November 06, 1901
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 6, 1901
* Hurley, Iron County, Wisconsin
* Klondike Theater fire disaster
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THEATRE DESTROYED" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete wit... See More
Pre-release color ad for "12 Years a Slave", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #679175
October 13, 2013
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 13, 2013 (Calendar Section)
* Pre-premiere ad for "12 Years a Slave"
* Steve McQueen - Chiwetel Ejiofor & Michael Fassbender
* Best Picture, Director, Foreign Actor and Supporting Actor, etc.
Page D7 has the best full-page ad for "12 Years a Slave" from the leading newspaper of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime publi... See More
Premiere weekend of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"...
Item #679165
June 17, 1981
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 17, 1981 The front page of the CALENDAR section has: "'LOST ARK' A RESOUNDING TRIUMPH AT BOX OFFICE", which continues on an inside page which also has a 4 3/4" by 13 1/4" advertisement for the premiere weekend of this Academy Award Winning film. It is nice to have this report in a Los Angeles newspaper.
Ironically, this same front page has... See More
Review & premiere of "The Color Purple" & "Out of Africa"...
Item #679146
August 10, 2011
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 10, 2011
* Premiere of "The Color Purple", starring Whoopi Goldberg
* Premiere of "Out of Africa", starring Meryl Streep & Robert Redford
* Contrasting reviews with full-page ads for each
A terrific issue on the premieres of both motion picture hits: "The Color Purple" and "Out of Africa". Perhaps no better issu... See More
Review & premiere of "The Help", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #679145
August 10, 2011
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 10, 2011
* Premiere of "The Help" - advertisement and review
* Octavia Spencer, Viola Davis, and Emma Stone
* Multiple award winner
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "The Help", and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, it being the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood ... See More
"Skeleton Key" & "The Duke's of Hazard" ads...
Item #679068
August 16, 2005
LOS ANGELES TIMES, August 16, 2005 The Calendar section includes several popular movie advertisements for the month. These include an opening week ad for "SKELETON KEY" and a second week ad for "THE DUKE'S OF HAZARD". Additionally, there are ads for "WEDDING CRASHERS", "BAD NEWS BEARS, and "SKY HIGH".
All major sections are pr... See More
Wedding Crashers Movie Advertisement...
Item #679067
August 15, 2005
LOS ANGELES TIMES, August 15, 2005 The Calendar section includes several popular movie advertisements for the month. These include: release week ad for "SKELETON KEY" and follow up ads for "WEDDING CRASHERS", "THE DUKE'S OF HAZARD", "BAD NEWS BEARS", and "SKY HIGH".
Complete Issue in great condition with a common centerfold. See ph... See More
Golden Globes Movie Title Winners...
Item #679044
January 18, 2006
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan 18, 2006 Several movie advertisements and reviews are found in the Calendar section. These picture advertisements include: very displayable ad for "KING KONG", as well as ads for "WALK THE LINE" "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN", "GOODNIGHT, GOODLUCK", "CAPOTE", "SYRIANA" and "CRASH".
Complete issue ... See More
Golden Globes Movie Title Winners...
Item #679043
January 21, 2006
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan 21, 2006 Several movie advertisements and reviews are found in the Calendar section. These picture advertisements include: "WALK THE LINE", which won the Golden Globe for best picture, actor and actress, "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN", "END OF SPEAR", "GLORY ROAD", "KING KONG" and "THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA". ... See More
King Kong, Chronicles of Narnia, Memoirs of a Geisha...
Item #679024
December 29, 2005
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dec. 29, 2005
* King Kong &Memoirs of a Geisha
* Full-page ads
* Chronicles of Narnia - large ad
Large ads from top 2005 movie hits found in the Calendar section. These illustrated advertisements include: "MUNICH", "MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA", "KING KONG", and "THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA".
Also present is an advertisement... See More
Week of premier of Lady in the Water... Wizard of Oz inspired art...
Item #679015
July 24, 2006
LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 24, 2006
* Lady in the Water preview
* Dixie Chicks remake themselves
* Disney Radio 10th Anniversary Concert
The Entertainment section has a week of ad for "Lady in the Water", "Expanding on an ant story", "10 candles for Radio Disney" with subheading "Jesse McCartney is the hit of the evening" an "Chicks... See More
Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine...
Item #679009
March 05, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 5, 1898
* USS Maine sinking disaster
* Spanish-American War prelude
* Havana Harbor, Cuba
The front page has a full page illustration of" "Washington's Birthday Celebration at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia".
Two full pages includes 16 photos of: "Destruction of the U.S. Battleship 'Maine in Havana Harbo... See More
Battle of Manila: Spanish-American War...
Item #679006
June 25, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 25, 1898
* Battle of Manila Bay, Philippines
* Admiral George Dewey's victory
* Spanish-American War
Full ftpg: "The Auxiliary Cruiser 'St. Paul' On Scout Duty". Two fullpgs. showing the harbor of Santiago. Nice fullpg: "Battle of Manila--Adm. Dewey's Squadron Swinging Around the Ellipse". Nice illus. of: "R... See More
Premiere of "True Lies", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #678974
July 15, 1994
LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 15, 1994
* Best "True Lies" film advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere
* Arnold Schwarzenegger - action-comedy
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "True Lies" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry. In over 40 years of collecting, we... See More
Death of Mary Astor... Hollywood actress...
Item #678774
September 26, 1987
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Sept. 26, 1987
* Mary Astor death (1st report)
* Hollywood movie - film actress
* Brigid in "The Maltese Falcon"
* Best title to be had?
The top of the front page has a one column photo with small heading: "Mary Astor dies at 81" (See)
The front page of section II has a heading: "Actress, Author Mary Astor, 81, Dies" with subhead and... See More
Interesting movie prop newspaper...
Item #678757
May 17, 1940
THE STAR DISPATCH--EXTRA, May 21, 1927 An interesting movie prop newspaper, presumably one which featured as part of the plot Lindbergh's historic flight across the Atlantic, as the banner headline announces: "LINDBERGH FLIES ATLANTIC" with a photo of him.
The balance of the four page newspaper has just "filler" material relating to nothing. Such props typically were... See More
Warner Oland death... Charlie Chan...
Item #678621
August 07, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 7, 1938
* Warner Oland death (1st report)
* Hollywood actor of Chinese characters
* Charlie Chan & Fu Manchu
The top of page 32 has a one column heading: "WARNER OLAND, 57, SCREEN STAR, DIES" with subheads and photo. (see) Nice to have in this World famous publication.
Complete 1st section only with 34 pages, rag edition in very nice condition. ... See More
Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" opening day....
Item #678103
February 07, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 7, 1931
* Silent era comic actor Charlie Chaplin
* "City Lights" movie film debut ad & review
Page 11 has a one column heading: "CHAPLIN HILARIOUS IN HIS 'CITY LIGHTS'" with subheads. (see) Also on the same page is an advertisement for the opening day debut of this famous movie with caricature of Chaplin. (see)
Other news, sports... See More
Review & premiere of "St. Elmo's Fire", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #677920
June 28, 1985
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 28, 1985
* Best "St. Elmo's Fire" film advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* American coming-of-age film - brat pack
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "St. Elmo's Fire" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the ... See More
Charlie Chaplin's "The Circus" movie opening day...
Item #677813
January 06, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 6, 1928
* "The Circus" silent movie - flim
* Opening day advertisement
* Comedian actor Charlie Chaplin
Page 27 has 4 x 2 inch advertisement for the opening of Charlie Chaplin's silent film "The Circus" which has it's very first showing on this day (midnight) in New York City making this the best newspaper advertisement to be had. (se... See More
Joan Crawford & Daouglas Fairbanks Jr....
Item #677719
June 04, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 4, 1929
* Actress Joan Crawford
* Actor Douglas Fairbanks. Jr.
* Wedding - weds - married
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Fairbanks Jr., 19, Weds Joan Crawford Here; Pair Too Busy in Films for Honeymoon Now" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 64 pages, a few small binding slits along the spine,... See More
Grace Kelly weds...
Item #677691
April 18, 1956
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 18, 1956
* America actress Grace Kelly
* Prince Rainer III of Monoco
* Wedding (1st report)
Near the bottom of the front page is a four column heading: "Grace Kelly Is Wed to Prince in Civil Ceremony" with subhead photo. (see) First re;port coverage continues inside with few more related photos. Nice to have in this World famous publication.
Complete wi... See More
Premieres of "Grease" & "Jaws 2", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #677626
June 15, 1978
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 15, 1978 (Sections I and IV)
* Best "Grease" and "Jaws 2" advertisements
* Grand Opening Day (EVE) movie premieres
* Musical romantic comedy & thriller films
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hits "Grease" & "Jaws 2", and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from ... See More
Betty Davis... "Dark Victory"...
Item #677563
April 20, 1939
* Glamorous Ad for Betty Davis Movie, "Dark Victory"
On pg. 8 is an article and ad for the new Betty Davis movie: "BLAZING WITH ALL THE BRILLIANT FLAME OF HER GENIUS". The large ad (approximately 10" by 12") shows Miss Davis in full glamour.
News of the day and period advertising are found throughout.
Complete in 2... See More
Disney pairs with Standard Oil...
Item #677464
June 01, 1939
* Walt Disney - Standard Oil advertisement
* Mickey and Minnie Mouse cartoon characters
In 1939 Disney paired with Standard Oil to produce comics for kids that also doubled as ads. Located on the back page is a large (approx. 12" x 15") nostalgic, vintage ad for Disney lovers and is very displayable.
Complete in 25 pages, light toning,... See More
Walt Disney feature... "Don't ask me anything about art"...
Item #677443
February 26, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES (MAGAZINE SECTION), February 26, 1939 Pages 4 and 5 have: "DISNEY NOW ART - BUY HE WONDERS", followed by a nice feature article on the work of Walt Disney which includes multiple vignettes of his "art". A small photo of Walt Disney is captioned: "Don't ask me anything about art. I don't know anything about it." See images for details.
... See More
The Many Faces of Maureen O'Hara ...
Item #677076
August 20, 1939
ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH (Rotogravure/Pictures section), Missouri, August 20, 1939
* Rotogravure section featuring Maureen O'Hara
This is a beautiful display of one of the most glamorous actress of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Fans of this cinematic era and Maureen will love this collection of some of the personalities she portrayed.
This is the Rotogravure/Picture section ONLY.,... See More
Review & premiere of "Speed", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #677011
June 10, 1994
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 10, 1994
* Best "Speed" movie advertisement ?
* Grand Opening Day premiere review
* Action thriller film - Keanu Reeves
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Speed" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime publicat... See More
Jake LaMotta defeats Sugar Ray Robinson...
Item #676997
February 06, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 6, 1943
* Jake LaMotta defeats Sugar Ray Robinson (1st defeat)
* Famous Middleweight boxing match
The sport's section (page 17) has one column headings: "ROBINSON'S STREAK ENDED BY LAMOTTA" "Harlem Fighter Suffers First Loss in 130 Bouts Before 18,930 at Detroit" "Bell Saves Ray In Eighth" "Left to Head Floors Him ... See More
Bob Dylan concert ad... Nicholas Nickleby Production...
Item #676861
October 04, 1981
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October. 4, 1981
* Bob Dylan Concert Ad
* The making of Nicholas Nickleby
* Full Page Ad for Richard Harris in Camelot
Besides interesting news of the day, this issue is loaded with premium theater, movie and concert ads form America's "city that never sleeps", NYC. Included is a 1/4 pg. Bob Dylan Concert Ad and a full page ad for the limited e... See More
Charles Glen King isolates Vitamin C for the 1st time...
Item #676775
April 05, 1932
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 5, 1932
* Vitamin C isolated for the 1st time
* Dr. Charles Glen King
* Actress Rose Coghlan death
A two column heading near the bottom of the front page reads: "Pittsburgh Professor Isolates Vitamin C; Concentrates Substance From Lemon Juice" (see) Coverage on the 1st isolation of the vitamin by Charles Glen King, a chemistry professor at the Universit... See More
Grace Moore makes opera debut...
Item #676737
February 08, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 8, 1928
* Actress Grace Moore
* Makes operatic debut
The front page has a one column heading: "CHOIR SINGER HAILED AT DEBUT IN OPERA" with subheads. First report coverage continues on page 28 with related photo. Nice to have in this World famous NYC publication.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 52 pages, light toning at th... See More
Death of movie star Vivien Leigh...
Item #676591
July 08, 1967
THE PRATT TRIBUNE, Kansas, July 8, 1967
* Vivien Leigh death (1st report)
* "Gone with the Wind" fame
The front page is a small one column heading: "Vivien Leigh Found Dead" (see) An early, same day report here.
Complete with 8 pages, library stamp within the masthead, a few binding holes along the spine/1st column, generally nice.... See More
Review & premiere of "Braveheart", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #676538
May 24, 1995
* Best "Braveheart" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Epic war film - Mel Gibson
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Braveheart" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime publicatio... See More
Death of famed actor Paul Newman...
Item #676359
September 28, 2008
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Sept. 28, 2008
* Paul Newman death (1st report)
* Hollywood movie - film actor
* Best title to be had ?
The front page has a heading: "A leading man of film and philanthropy" with 2 related photos. Lengthy first report coverage continues on pages 20-23 with eight more photos. Nice to have this report in a newspaper from the capital of the entertainment industry... See More
1944 Lupe Velez suicide... Mexican actress...
Item #676270
December 15, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 15, 1944
* Lupe Velez suicide death
* Mexican film actress
The back page (pg. 36) has one column headings: "LUPE VELEZ SUICIDE BY SLEEP TABLETS"
"'Tempestuous' Actress Was Depressed by Failure of Romance With French Actor" with smaller subheads and one column photo of Velez. First report coverage on the suicide death of famous Mexica... See More
Review & premiere of "Last Action Hero", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #676169
June 18, 1993
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 18, 1993
* Best "Last Action Hero" film advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Fantasy action - Arnold Schwarzenegger
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Last Action Hero" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollyw... See More
Review & premiere of "Videodrome", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #676083
February 04, 1983
LOS ANGELES TIMES, February 4, 1983
* Best "Viedeodrome" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Science fiction horror cult film
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Videodrome" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime... See More
Review & premiere of "An Innocent Man", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #676081
October 06, 1990
LOS ANGELES TIMES, October 6, 1989
* Best "An Innocent Man" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Crime drama thriller film - Tom Selleck
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "An Innocent Man" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood a... See More
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