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A newspaper predicting the future...

Item #684752

October 01, 1866


* Uncommon publication

* Astrology - Horoscope

* Napoleon III

A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future--great to read in hindsight.

The front page features a large print of: "Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of ... See More  

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Descriptive article on a trip to Colorado...

Item #675677

October 03, 1866

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Oct. 3, 1866  The conclusion of the Civil War brought with it an interest in expending west, so it would not seem unusual that articles that read like a 19th century travelogue would appear in newspapers of the day.

This issue has one on page 3, which was part of a larger series: "A Trip To Colorado--Final Adventures In the Middle Park". The report takes 1 ... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, February 13, 2025!

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The Coliseum at Rome...

Item #173030

October 06, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 6, 1866 Four small illus. of houses on the front cover: "Philip Embury's House," "Strawbridge Meeting House," "The Rigging Loft," and "The First Methodist Church and Parsonage, in New York." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Coliseum at Rome." 1/4 pg. illus. of "The Rev. William Arthur, President of th... See More  

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Baseball player print... The 'Black Crook'...

Item #651254

October 06, 1866


* "The Black Crook" at Niblo's Garden

* The 1st modern-day musical

* Baseball player portrait... The Johnstown Flood

Page 41 has a full page print of the "Great Scene Of The Second Performance Of The 'Black Crook,' Spectacle Now Performing At Niblo's Garden," This would eventually become genera... See More  

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Baseball player print... The 'Black Crook'...

Item #682886

October 06, 1866

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 6, 1866  Inside has a full page print of the: "Great Scene Of The Second Performance Of The 'Black Crook' Spectacle Now Performing At Niblo's Garden". This would eventually become  recognized as the first modern-day musical. There is a review of it as well.

Inside includes a portrait of a baseball player headed: "... See More  

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Baseball player print... The 'Black Crook'...

Item #682887

October 06, 1866

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 6, 1866  Inside has a full page print of the: "Great Scene Of The Second Performance Of The 'Black Crook' Spectacle Now Performing At Niblo's Garden". This would eventually become recognized as the first modern-day musical. There is a review of it as well.

Inside includes a portrait of a baseball player headed: "Our Ba... See More  

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Descriptive article on a trip to Colorado...

Item #675676

October 10, 1866

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Oct. 10, 1866  The conclusion of the Civil War brought with it an interest in expending west, so it would not seem unusual that articles that read like a 19th century travelogue would appear in newspapers of the day.

This issue has one on page 3, which was part of a larger series: "A Trip To Colorado--Two Rocky Mountain Passes". The report takes nearly 2 co... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, February 13, 2025!

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Denver, PIke's Peak, Bayou Laforche...

Item #173032

October 13, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY Oct. 13, 1866 Ftpg: "Meeting of Solders' & Sailors' Convention at Pittsburgh, Penna." & "Gen. J.D. Cox, President of the Convention". Nice fullpg: "Life On The Plains" includes 8 prints, including scenes of Denver, Pike's Peak, Fort Wicked, and more. Nice! One-third pg: "Acadians Hauling Boats--Scene on the Bayou Lafourche,... See More  

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An uncomon title from Wisconsin...

Item #584611

October 18, 1866

THE DAILY WISCONSIN UNION, Madison, October 18, 1866 

* Uncommon title 

Among the front page items are: "The Alabama Claims to be Urged", "Run On A Canadian Bank", "A Great Fenian Meeting in Rochester, N.Y." and more. Four pages, very nice condition.

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Cumberland, Maryland... Driving in Central Park...

Item #173034

October 20, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 20, 1866 Full ftpg: 'Washing Day Among the Acadians on the Bayou LaFourche, La.' Fullpg: 'Ferry-Boat to Brashear City, La.' & great fullpg: 'Cumberland, Md.' shows the town. Half page "Driving in Central Park", two quarter-page "National Cemetery at Seven Pines, Virginia" and "National Cemetery at Cold Harbor, Virginia&... See More  

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Descriptive article on a trip to Colorado... Trouble with Indians...

Item #675675

October 24, 1866

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Oct. 24, 1866  The conclusion of the Civil War brought with it an interest in expending west, so it would not seem unusual that articles that read like a 19th century travelogue would appear in newspapers of the day.

This issue has one on page 3, which was part of a larger series: "A Trip To Colorado--In The South Park". The report takes 1 1/2 columns and i... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, February 13, 2025!

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Thomas Nast political montage on Andrew Johnson... Texas...

Item #173036

October 27, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 27, 1866 Half of ftpg. shows: 'Lady Lobbyists at the White House'. 'Sinking of the Daniel Webster' & 'Sinking of the Evening Star'. Nice dblpgctrfld. by Thomas Nast is a montage of political cartoons on Andrew Johnson. A fullpg. of four nice scenes in Texas, including Houston and Galveston. Halfpg; 'Faneuil Hall, Boston. Bkpg. pol... See More  

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Portrait and profile of an early baseball player...

Item #690426

October 27, 1866

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 27, 1866 

* Early baseball player profile w/ portrait 

An inside page of this issue has, under "Our Base-Ball Illustration", a 2 3/4 by 2 inch portrait of: "Chas. D. Walker, Active B.B. Club, N.Y."

Includes a biographical sketch of Walker, which states, in part: "...Mr. Walker, as a pitcher, has probably no superior... See More  

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Lancaster Pennsylvania Amish Community...

Item #221434

October 29, 1866

LANCASTER INTELLIGENCER from Pennsylvania and dated October 29, 1866.


* Pennsylvania Amish Region

This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and news of the day which includes: "The Late Colonel Dahlgren" "Shooting Affray at Westminster, Md." "The
... See More  

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