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1818 Northwest Expedition
Item #213486
December 01, 1818
CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Dec. 1, 1818.
* Northwest Expedition
* Ship Isabella
* 1818
* Northwest Expedition
* Ship Isabella
* 1818
On page 3 under Northern Expedition is a very detailed letter from an officer aboard the ship Isabella, employed in the North-West Expedition. Mentions Wygatt Island, Greenland, Four Island Point, Disko, Riskoll, Woman Islands, Black Hook, and Sandersons Hope. Much about the weather c
... See More
1818 Alexander Arbuthnot Court Martial..
Item #200019
December 15, 1818
NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Dec. 15, 1818 On the ftpg. under "Arbuthnot" are the charges and specifications pertaining to Alexander Arbuthots court martial ordered by Andrew Jackson. Rubbing and some lite dirtiness does not affect this report.
Initiating the historic Maryland Jew Bill...
Item #672090
December 19, 1818
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 19, 1818
* Maryland Jew Bill Initiated
Inside has a brief yet notable item with a small head: "Maryland Legislature" which includes in part: "...A committee was appointed to bring in a bill to extend the same civil privileges to persons professing the Jewish religion as are enjoyed by those of any other religious sect..."... See More
Early Pittsburgh... Smithfield Street Bridge opens...
Item #538699
December 21, 1818
* Very early Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
* Smithfield Street Bridge
A page 2 report says:
* "A splendid Bridge has been erected over the Monongahela, near Pittsburg. On the first day of its being opened for passengers, the flooring was covered with several thousands delighted inhabitants of Pittsburg. This was the Monongahela Brid... See More
Early expedition to the Yellowstone...
Item #625194
December 29, 1818
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 29, 1818 The middle of the front page has an interesting article: "Of The Yellow Stone Expedition" "Extract of a Letter dated Martin Cantonment, 380 Miles up the Missouri River...from an Officer of the Yellow Stone River Expedition to a Gentleman in St. Louis". The letter has some fascinating first-hand reporting on this earl... See More
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