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Early St. Louis in 1818...
Item #219636
October 10, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 10, 1818.
* Early St. Louis Missouri growth
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that ...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April..., and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a bit more. Anot
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* Early St. Louis Missouri growth
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that ...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April..., and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a bit more. Anot
Early St. Louis in 1818...
Item #665929
October 10, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 10, 1818
* Building St. Louis, Missouri
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that: "...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April...", and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a b
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* Building St. Louis, Missouri
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that: "...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April...", and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a b
God's hand of judgement?
Item #222711
October 17, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 17, 1818.
* Early 18th century view of breaking the Sabbath...
A front page report from Buffalo says that a sailboat returning from a party of pleasure overturned Sunday and a young man drowned, although his four companions survived. Concludes by stating: "An extraordinary fatality appears to attend Sabbath-breakers." A pg. 2 item says:
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* Early 18th century view of breaking the Sabbath...
A front page report from Buffalo says that a sailboat returning from a party of pleasure overturned Sunday and a young man drowned, although his four companions survived. Concludes by stating: "An extraordinary fatality appears to attend Sabbath-breakers." A pg. 2 item says:
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