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Niagara Falls...
Item #152875
September 05, 1818
BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Sept. 7, 1818 Pg. 2 has a brief item: "Falls of Niagara" noting: "The Projection called Table Rock, has...fallen in....the rock broke in pieces...and disclosed a great number of crystalline substances...". Also word that the "...elegant steam-boat Walk-in-the-Water will be ready for sailing this week...".
Small piece missing at the bo... See More
Giant Sawfish
Item #219553
September 19, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 19, 1818.
* Giant Sawfish Caught
* North Carolina
* Giant Sawfish Caught
* North Carolina
Pg. 2 has a report: A Saw Fish 13 feet 4 inches, with a saw of 28 teeth on each side, and upwards of 3 feet long, has been taken in one of the sounds in North Carolina, skinned and preserved. Other news of the day includes: "Exchange of Prisoners", "Connecticut Convention", and mor
... See More
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