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Early article on horse racing in America...
Item #698141
July 04, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 4, 1818 The front page has not only an unusually lengthy article headed: "Horse-Racing" but a very early one as well, as horse racing in the States did not become popular until many years later.
Four pages, several foxing spots, generally nice condition.
Unusual tightrope walking print ad...
Item #680731
July 15, 1818
* Tightrope walking ad
* Boston circus
News of the day with many ads throughout. The most interesting content is a page 3 illustrated advertisement for "Mr. Vilallave" and his tightrope walking exhibition, which includes a print of him on the wire.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle...
Item #654178
July 18, 1818
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 18, 1818 Of importance is the multi-page printing of former President James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle.
The Wiley Online Library, in regards to this lengthy address, states the following: "James Madison's 1818 Address to the Albemarle Agricultural Society offers new insight into the diverse historiogra... See More
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