Relating to the French & Indian War...
Item #650314
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1754 Included within is an article: "New Invented Sea-gage Described" which includes a half page illustration (see). Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news of the day including some items under the heading "America". they include report relating to the French & Indian War such as: &quo... See More
George Washington at age 22... Great map of America...
Item #694072
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1754
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
... See More
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693565
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693566
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Plan (print) for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...
Item #688743
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770 Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.
A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More
A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
News from Charleston & Boston: naval concerns, hopes for a peace among the Indians...
Item #700801
December 09, 1771
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Dec. 9, 1771 Page 3 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Boston. Bits include: "...a chief of the Mohawk Tribe of Indiana...arrived in town & have had several conferences with...Lieutenant make a general peace between the Six Nations & all the tribes inhabiting from the Ohio to the Chicasahs...... See More
Value of the Ohio River...
Item #582086
August 24, 1772
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1772
* Ohio River value ?
* Pre Rev. War era
Page 3 has a paragraph noting: "The Ohio, though a very extensive river of North cut off from all possible intercourse with a foreign commerce & has no connection whatever with the sea..." and a bit more (see photos). Four pages, folio size, red ink tax ... See More
Much on the Mississippi...
Item #583782
August 29, 1772
* Early Mississippi & Ohio Rivers
Page 2 has a report which includes: "...The public, in the various conversations which have arisen on the subject of the new settlement in North America, generally confound the Mississippi with the Ohio; whereas the two rivers are very distinct; the first is capable of admitting the larges... See More
Closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #687352
October 17, 1782
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Oct. 17, 1782
* American Revolutionary War
* Closing events in U.S. publication
Page 2 has a letter from Amsterdam which begins: "The happy moment having at last arrived when America's independence was acknowledged by our States..." with more.
Elsewhere is: "A Charlestown paper of the 27th of July last gives an account of the evacu... See More
Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...
Item #700671
January 01, 1783
COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
Trouble with the Indians...
Item #677256
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, (Philadelphia), October, 1786 The first article is: "Some Observations on the Structure of the Surface of the Earth in Pennsylvania and the Adjoining Countries..." which takes nearly 5 pages. Also within is the continued: "Sketch of the Life of the Late Nathaniel Greene, Major General of the Forces of the United States of America" which takes nearl... See More
Major Hardin & the Northwest Indian War...
Item #675438
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1790 The issue includes a wide range of articles, & near the back several pages with an: "Accurate Statement of the Late Revolution in France".There is also a report headed: "America" reporting on the Northwest Indian War, noting in part: "...that Major Hardin...with 200 volunteers...of Kentucky...made an expedition fr... See More
The Ohio Indian Wars of the 1790's... Major Hardin...
Item #671518
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1790 The issue includes a wide range of articles taking the majority of the pages, and also has near the back several pages with an: "Accurate Statement of the Late Revolution in France". There is also a report headed: "America" noting in part: "...that Major Hardin...with 200 volunteers...of Kentucky...made an expedition fr... See More
Peace with the Indians...
Item #629875
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1790 Included near the back is a bit of news headed: "America" which includes: "...that a permanent peace had been concluded betwixt the native Indians in the back settlements & Congress..." and also: "...letters from account of the capture of several boats on the river Ohio by the Shawanese Indi... See More
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and more...
Item #704605
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, June, 1792 Articles include a continuation of: "A Continuation of the Reflexions on the Manufactures of the United States..." "Manners & Customs of the Hindoos" "Gallantry" "Account of the Bastille" "Hessian Fly" includes a list of 9 key issues, signed in type by: Thomas Jefferson among others; "Rev... See More
Nice 18th century American magazine...
Item #685497
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1792 First page has: "Description of the Upper Ferry on the River Schuylkill, near the city of Philadelphia", lacking the related plate.Also in this issue are: "History of the Smallpox" "A Hint to the Ladies" "Method of Imitating Certain Wines" "An Oration Delivered at Taunton, July 4, 1792 at the C... See More
Captured by Indians...
Item #601603
September 24, 1792
DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1792 The front page features 19 illustrated ship advertisements. Page 3 has a curious article from Pittsburgh concerning a man captured by Indians near Grave Creek in Ohio County.
Four pages, very nice condition.
A magazine from 1790's Boston...
Item #667741
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1793 The front page has a "Description of the Plate" which is a two page view of the town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The plate is damaged as less than half off it is present.The front page also has: "Thoughts On Social Intercourse" the text beginning: "Nobody but a blockhead proves tedious to a company. A man of the w... See More
A magazine from 1790's Boston...
Item #667744
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1793 The front page has: "Thoughts On Social Intercourse" the text beginning: "Nobody but a blockhead proves tedious to a company. A man of the world presently comprehends whether he ought to stay or go; and knows too a moment the time it is fit for him to leave those who wish him at a distance..."with much more. The balance ... See More
Building Washington D.C...
Item #669157
September 14, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 14, 1793
* The Building of Washington D.C.
Page 2 has a report: "We...inform the public, that the buildings in the new Federal City are rapidly advancing: The Presidents house is built one story high; the Capitol and Hotel are in a considerable state of forwardness, and there are...fifty houses finished, among which are a number of capital
... See More
* The Building of Washington D.C.
Page 2 has a report: "We...inform the public, that the buildings in the new Federal City are rapidly advancing: The Presidents house is built one story high; the Capitol and Hotel are in a considerable state of forwardness, and there are...fifty houses finished, among which are a number of capital
Exchanging prisoners with the Indians...
Item #668173
January 24, 1795
AURORA GENERAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 24, 1795 Page 2 has a report noting: "...that an exchange of prisoners is to take place at Nashville...between the Southern Indians and the U.S. territory south of Ohio..." with a bit more.
The bottom of page 3 has one of the earliest ice cream advertisements we have seen in any newspaper.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, small bind... See More
Proclamation by General Anthony Wayne...
Item #697642
April 25, 1795
* Northwest Indian War
* Gen. Anthony Wayne
* Native Americans
* Proclamation for peace
Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" signed in type by Anthony Wayne, for establishing a permanent peace with all the Indian tribes and nations northwest of the Ohio River.
Four pages, never-trimmed, two binding holes at the spine... See More
A census of the Western Territory...
Item #584580
September 05, 1795
* Early Northwest Territory
* Ohio
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with the: "Plan of a Constitution for the French Republic, continued". Pg. 3 has a report that the governor of Penna. has prohibited all trade with New York and Norfolk due to a contagion. Also that "An enumeration of the inhabitants in the We... See More
The United States is selling land...
Item #687498
August 31, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1796 The front page begins with a nice document from the Secretary of the Treasury, Oliver Wolcott, concerning the sale of: "Lands of the United States" which are located: " the territory north-west of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of the Kentucky River..." with more detail.
Page 2 has a letter on the Napoleonic War signed ... See More
Nice newspaper from Washington's administration...
Item #704855
October 22, 1796
* During George Washington's administration
A very typical late 18th century American newspaper with a good mix of news reports of the day and advertisements.
The back page has nearly 2 columns taken up with a notice from the Treasury Dept. headed: "Lands of the United States". This concerns the sale of land:... See More
From Washington's administration... Sale of land in the Northwest...
Item #697917
February 01, 1797
* During George Washington's administration
* Northwest Territory land for sale report
A very nice newspaper from the closing weeks of George Washington's administration. John Adams would be inaugurated on March 4.
The back page has over a full column taken up with a detailed report concerning the sale of: "... See More
Two Acts of Congress signed by John Adams...
Item #680749
August 31, 1799
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1799
* President John Adams
* Land Acts of Congress
The front page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type: John Adams. One is to authorize the sale of: "...certain lands between the Great and Little Miami rivers in the territory of the United States north-west of the Ohio...". Other items include: "Rumors of a N
... See More
* President John Adams
* Land Acts of Congress
The front page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type: John Adams. One is to authorize the sale of: "...certain lands between the Great and Little Miami rivers in the territory of the United States north-west of the Ohio...". Other items include: "Rumors of a N
Creation of the Indiana Territory... Early notice on Gabriel's Rebellion...
Item #702567
September 15, 1800
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Sept. 15, 1800
* re. the creation of the state of Indiana
* Gabriel Prosser's slave insurrection
Page 3 has a brief & early report on Gabriel's Rebellion,
It notes: "An insurrection was discovered on the 30th alt. among the negroes in the neighborhood of Richmond, Vir. and some of them are lodged in the gaol [jail] of that city... See More
Script signature by John Adams...
Item #649466
May 30, 1801
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 30, 1801 The front page has 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "Laws of the United States---An Act giving a right of pre-emption to certain persons...for lands the North West of the Ohio." signed in script type by the President: John Adams. Nice to have a script signature by the President on the front page.
Four pages, some heavy staining and s... See More
Lewis and Clark begin their epic Voyage of Discovery...
Item #702702
November 26, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL & MASSACHUSETTS FEDERALIST, Boston, Nov. 26, 1803 (at a slightly reduced price)
* Lewis and Clark Expedition begins
* Louisville, Kentucky - Ohio River
Page 2 has several items concerning the recent Louisiana Purchase, but certainly the most significant is a report from Louisville noting: "Capt. Clark, and Mr. Lewis, have left this place in the prosecution of th... See More
Three new ships are launched at Pittsburgh...
Item #683009
May 15, 1804
THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, May 15, 1804 Inside has a brief report noting: "At Pittsburgh (the head of Ohio river) were launched on the 30th March, the ship Louisiana, 300 tons burthen--on the 31st schooner Conquest, 126 tons, pierced for 18 guns--and on the 1st of April, the schooner Alleghany. The first sailed down the river the next day in ballast; the s... See More
Delaware Indian Tribe From 1804...
Item #204175
October 06, 1804
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 6, 1804 Pg. 2 news from "Vincenes" says that the "Delaware tribe of Indians relinquished to the United States all their claim to the extensive tract of country which lies between the Ohio, Wabash, and the road leading from Post-Vincenes, to the Great Falls of the Ohio." A few more comments about the importance of this acquisition. Very slight crease in this r... See More
Jefferson acknowledges an offer of military assistance...
Item #667516
February 12, 1807
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Feb. 12, 1807 The front page has a letter from the Ohio militia to the President, offering their services in light of the: "...hostile appearances of foreign troops on our lines & boundaries as a prelude to war...", specifically referring to Spain.
It is followed by a letter of acknowledgment from the President signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
Four p... See More
President Monroe concerning the War of 1812... Two Monroe signatures...
Item #697222
November 16, 1812
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 16, 1812 Pages 1 and 2 have many "Documents Accompanying the President's Message to Congress" which include several to British official concerning the War of 1812. Two are signed in type: James Monroe.
Also inside: "Army In Ohio" "The President's Message".
Four pages, great condition.
Latest from the War of 1812, and more...
Item #619088
January 16, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 16, 1813 Among the articles are: "Legislature of South Carolina - An Act to Prevent Dueling" "East Florida" "Mint Establishment", and nearly 3 pages under the heading: "Our Naval Victories".
Over 3 1/2 pages are headed: "Events of the War" with various subheads including: "Military"; a letter si... See More
More reports from the War of 1812...
Item #619092
February 13, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 13, 1815 Inside has; "Law of Ohio - An Act for the Encouragement of Volunteers in the North-Western Army of the United States"; a lengthy piece headed: "Live the Constitution" and over two pages under the heading: "Events of the War".
Among the subheads is: "North-Western Army" which includes a letter from General ... See More
Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...
Item #647690
August 28, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813 Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More
Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...
Item #649444
August 28, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813 Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More
Item #538588
February 22, 1816
* Early Cincinnati Ohio population increase
* Early 19th century original
A page 2 item headed Population Of Cincinnati says:
* The population of the town of Cincinnati in Ohio, according to a Census lately taken, is 6498, including 247 blacks and mulattoes. The population in 1810 was only 2320.
Other news of the day includes... See More
Migration in America Westward in 1816....
Item #217559
June 20, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 20, 1816.
* early emigrants (emigration) moving to Missour in 1816 original reporting
A page 3 report from Columbus, (Ohio) says: Sailed from...Delaware County, the Adventure of Little Walnut...bound for Missouri. The Adventure is [a] seventy five feet keel and 16 tons burthen. It was built on Little Walnut one mile from its mouth.... Loaded princi
... See More
* early emigrants (emigration) moving to Missour in 1816 original reporting
A page 3 report from Columbus, (Ohio) says: Sailed from...Delaware County, the Adventure of Little Walnut...bound for Missouri. The Adventure is [a] seventy five feet keel and 16 tons burthen. It was built on Little Walnut one mile from its mouth.... Loaded princi
Gallipolis, Ohio... The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians...
Item #671376
September 21, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1816 Nearly a full page has: "Gallipolis, Ohio" which provides a brief but historic background of this community.
Two separate articles illustrate a great contrast on relationships between various Indian Tribes and the new settlers: "Chickasaw Notice" and "Huntsville, (M.T.)". The former is a letter from William ... See More
Steubenville, Ohio 1816...
Item #217465
December 05, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Dec. 5, 1816.
* Steubenville, Ohio
On page 2 under Western Improvements is a report about the growth of Ohio, plus various particulars about the business and industries in the town of Steubenville. Says that the town has a steam paper mill, a steam grist mill, a woolen factory, a cotton factory, an extensive brewery, a soap and candle factory and an a
... See More
* Steubenville, Ohio
On page 2 under Western Improvements is a report about the growth of Ohio, plus various particulars about the business and industries in the town of Steubenville. Says that the town has a steam paper mill, a steam grist mill, a woolen factory, a cotton factory, an extensive brewery, a soap and candle factory and an a
Early St. Louis in 1818...
Item #665929
October 10, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 10, 1818
* Building St. Louis, Missouri
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that: "...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April...", and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a b
... See More
* Building St. Louis, Missouri
A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that: "...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April...", and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a b
Capture of slave ships... Launch of the ship Ohio...
Item #688359
June 03, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 3, 1820
* USS Ohio launching - United States Navy
* African slave trade - slavers ships captured
The front page has: "The Infamous Trade" beginning: "Ten slave vessels had been captured by the U.S. ship Cyane..." with some details. Most of the issue is taken up with: ":Mr. Baldwin's Speech on the Tariff". Th... See More
Celebrating the 4th of July... John Paul Jones... A "cure for hard times"...
Item #705358
July 01, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 1, 1820 The entire front page is an editorial headed: "Independence" concerning the upcoming anniversary of the 4th of July.
Some great reading, with one paragraph beginning: "Nearly all the great actors in 1776 have made their exit to another & a better world, but some venerable men yet remain to bless our land with their prese... See More
David Ricardo's Death....
Item #221241
December 01, 1823
* Death of David Ricardo
This 4 page newspaper has one page under: "Deaths" is: "In England, David Ricardo, esq. a Member of the British Parliament, and one of the most profound financiers of the age. He was of the Jewish Religion; and while a barber, amassed a fortune of nearly five millions of d
... See More
* Death of David Ricardo
This 4 page newspaper has one page under: "Deaths" is: "In England, David Ricardo, esq. a Member of the British Parliament, and one of the most profound financiers of the age. He was of the Jewish Religion; and while a barber, amassed a fortune of nearly five millions of d
Quite early from Cincinnati...
Item #153268
LIBERTY HALL & CINCINNATI GAZETTE, Ohio, 1826 An interesting and early newspaper from Cincinnati with a curious title. Various news of the day and many ads, some of which are illustrated.Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown.
Measures 12 by 13 inches with 4 pages. Some foxing, generally nice.... See More
School Laction Act...
Item #549461
February 11, 1826
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, from Massachusetts, dated February 11, 1826.
* President John Quincy Adams
* Education
On the front page under an engraving of an eagle and shield is:
* An Act to authorize the Legislature of the State of Ohio to sell the lands heretofore appropriated for the use of Schools in that State...
signed in type: John Quincy Adams.
Other news of the day inc... See More
Ohio Legislature diverse...
Item #538972
March 03, 1826
* Early Ohio government
* Early 19th century original reading
A page 3 report says:
The Legislature of Ohio that has just closed its session, was composed of 58 farmers, 26 lawyers, 7 mechanics, 7 merchants, 2 physicians, 2 printers, 1 miller, 1 surveyor, and 1 gentleman.
Other news of the day includes: "Robbery of t... See More
Early from Cincinnati... Objections to Jackson as President...
Item #688001
October 24, 1827
DAILY CINCINNATI GAZETTE, Ohio, October 24, 1827
* Volume 1 issue
An early newspaper from the city known as the "Queen of the West". This is the volume I, number 104 issue.
Page 2 has: "Declaration of Objections to the Election of General Andrew Jackson to the Chief Magistracy of these United States". A wealth of ads, many illustrated.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
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