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The fugitive slave John Anderson... Seceding from the Union...

Item # 606331

February 04, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 4, 1861 

* John Anderson - fugitive slave
* Pre Civil War Southern tensions

Inside has: "A Southern Diarist" "Later From California" "Arrival of the Pony Express" "News From Kansas" "Movements of Mr. Lincoln" "The Case of the Fugitive Anderson", the latter concerning the trial of the famed fugitive slave who escaped to Canada,  John Anderson.
Also: "The Pro-Slavery Rebellion" "Why Don't the Non-Slaveholders Crush Secession?" "The Ultimatum of Southern Carolina Sent to the President" "Maryland Will 'Never' Go Out" "Reasons Why Georgia Seceded" & much more.
Eight pages, a few minor margin tears, generally good.

Category: Pre-Civil War