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Barack Obama becomes America's first African-American president...

Item # 552589

November 05, 2008

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Illinois, November 5, 2008

* Barrack Obama elected President of the United States
* Hometown newspaper of first African-American president

Presidential election newspapers have always been a mainstay of any historic newspaper collection, and ideally collectors try to find such an issue from the victor's hometown.

This newspaper is special for three reasons: 1) it is from President-elect Barack Obama's hometown of Chicago; 2) this election will go down in history as more significant than most in that it marks the first African-American president to occupy the White House, and 3) this is the first time in this newspaper's 161 year history that it endorsed a Democratic Party's nominee for president.
The front page is very special and extremely displayable, with over three-quarters of the page taken up with a color photo of President-elect Obama with the words: "OBAMA Our Next President", beneath which is a subhead: "Before a huge Grant Park crowd, President-elect Obama declares: 'Change has come to America.' " followed by various text (see photos).

Not surprisingly there is much coverage of the historic election on the inside pages, with a huge and unusual two page banner headline: "BARRIERS SHATTERED" plus much, more more throughout this complete, 80 page newspaper.

Note that this is not just the front section, but rather is complete with six sections. Very nice condition.

A significant issue for any historic newspaper collection, and great to have from the winner's hometown.

Category: Displayable Issues