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One of the best Kennedy assassination newspaper to be had...

Item # 550379

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November 23, 1963

THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Dallas, Texas, November 23, 1963  A quite rare & extremely desirable newspaper with a first report on J.F.K.'s assassination, from the city where it happened. Two line bold banner headline: "KENNEDY SLAIN ON DALLAS STREET" with subhead: "Johnson Becomes President", plus a rather large photo of "John F. Kennedy" and a smaller photo of Lyndon Johnson. Lots of related news and photos inside as well.
Of curious interest--and only to be found in a Dallas newspaper--are two inconspicuous advertisements to be found on facing pages inside. One is for the 'Texas" movie theater, where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested (trivia: he was watching the movie "War Is Hell": see photo) and the facing page has an advertisement for the "Carousel", the night club owned & operated by Jack Ruby (see). Also of interest is the inconspicuous listing under "Deaths & Funerals" column announcing the death of the President: "KENNEDY - President John F., beloved husband of Jacqueline Kennedy; parents Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kennedy; brothers Robert & Ted Kennedy; sisters Mrs. Peter Lawford, Mrs. Robert Shriber. Remains forward to Washington D.C." A curious obituary notice of a President of the United States. A related & notable entry is for "TIPPIT, J.D...." the policeman shot by Oswald shortly after the Kennedy assassination. In fact it was for Tippit's murder that Oswald was originally arrested. shortly thereafter they discovered Oswald's connection to Kennedy's assassination. A link to a History's Newsstand blog post which contains a photo of the obituary and a more detailed description is: Kennedy Obituary.
The complete issue in very nice condition. A cornerstone issue for any presidential death or 20th century collection.
See also item 559410 for the Dallas newspaper on the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Category: The 20th Century